我有一张谷歌地图并在地图上添加了标记。当可访问性模式打开并且我们使用蓝牙键盘导航到地图标记时,它会宣布按Alt+ ⇧Shift+Enter ↵</kbd> to activate. However pressing the key combination does not have any action on map. How can i disable map marker to stop announcing this. I have overriden Enter ↵</kbd> key and added my functionality on tap of Enter button. How can i change talkback to announce press Enter ↵</kbd> instead of press Alt+⇧Shift+Enter ↵</kbd> to activate on map marker.

我已经尝试了如何更改 Android 对讲指令中提供的解决方案,以双击和长按 并添加委托,mapfragment.getView()accessibility.getActionList始终为空白。



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