I have java source code of about 3000 classes & other web content (js, css, html). I imported the project in eclipse(indigo) and run the project on Tomcat6. After ant compile.complete.deploy, a new folder ${env.CATALINA_HOME}.
I am modifying few js & html files from IDE, but it doesn't reflect in the browser. I reloaded the page several times, but no changes are done.

In Project -> Buildautomatically option is checked.

Do i need to modify on the files in ${env.CATALINA_HOME} or the direct src code is fine?


1 回答 1


对于所有与 UI 相关的内容 - Webcontent 文件夹文件需要进行更改。当添加新的类文件或修改现有的类时,“ant smartbuild”就可以了。

- 谢谢。

于 2013-05-27T10:52:52.157 回答