I would like to ask whether there is an option in robot (using selenium2library) to set some implicit wait for ALL elements which should be located during the test on just one place? Currently I place the wait before EACH element in my keywords (which does not look so nice)

Wait Until Element Is Visible    ${repeated for each element}

The frontend is made in Angular. I found that it might be the cause of the troubles and I also found some extended selenium2library, BUT I cannot use this extended library, because I can use only officially supported library (which is now just selenium2library)...

I also tried to set the implcit wait and timeout while importing the Library, but it seems it does not help (if I comment my "waits" before each element, it starts failing again)

Library    Selenium2Library    10    15

Any suggestion? Do I really have to put the wait before each element in this case?

Thank you


1 回答 1


我不知道是否有更好的方法,但您可以尝试使用以下方法减慢 Selenium Set Selenium Speed

Set Selenium Speed  0.5 seconds


于 2016-11-16T15:13:32.933 回答