为此使用了一个。你必须给它一组你想使用的类型。然后它将跟踪变体中当前的“活动”类型是什么。(boost::variant 是所谓的有区别的联合)。第二个问题是如何存储函数指针。问题是指向成员的指针A
并采用 boost::variant 的对象中:
return_type operator()(variant<possible types...>)
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/parameter_types.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/result_type.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/function_arity.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
// three totally unrelated classes
struct foo {
std::string one() {
return "I ";
struct bar {
std::string two() {
return "am ";
struct baz {
std::string three() const {
return "happy!";
// The following are the parameters you have to set
// return type
typedef std::string return_type;
// variant storing an object. It contains the list of possible types you
// can store.
typedef boost::variant< foo, bar, baz > variant_type;
// type used to call a function on the object currently active in
// the given variant
typedef boost::function<return_type (variant_type&)> variant_call_type;
// returned variant will know what type is stored. C++ got no reflection,
// so we have to have a function that returns the correct type based on
// compile time knowledge (here it's the template parameter)
template<typename Class>
variant_type factory() {
return Class();
namespace detail {
namespace fn = boost::function_types;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
// transforms T to a boost::bind
template<typename T>
struct build_caller {
// type of this pointer, pointer removed, possibly cv qualified.
typedef typename mpl::at_c<
fn::parameter_types< T, mpl::identity<mpl::_> >,
0>::type actual_type;
// type of boost::get we use
typedef actual_type& (*get_type)(variant_type&);
// prints _2 if n is 0
#define PLACEHOLDER_print(z, n, unused) BOOST_PP_CAT(_, BOOST_PP_ADD(n, 2))
#define GET_print(z, n, unused) \
template<typename U> \
static variant_call_type get( \
typename boost::enable_if_c<fn::function_arity<U>::value == \
BOOST_PP_INC(n), U>::type t \
) { \
/* (boost::get<actual_type>(some_variant).*t)(n1,...,nN) */ \
return boost::bind( \
t, boost::bind( \
(get_type)&boost::get<actual_type>, \
); \
// generate functions for up to 8 parameters
BOOST_PP_REPEAT(9, GET_print, ~)
#undef GET_print
#undef PLACEHOLDER_print
// incoming type T is a member function type. we return a boost::bind object that
// will call boost::get on the variant passed and calls the member function
template<typename T>
variant_call_type make_caller(T t) {
return detail::build_caller<T>::template get<T>(t);
// actions stuff. maps an id to a class and method.
typedef std::map<std::string,
std::pair< std::string, std::string >
> actions_type;
// this map maps (class, method) => (factory, function pointer)
typedef variant_type (*factory_function)();
typedef std::map< std::pair<std::string, std::string>,
std::pair<factory_function, variant_call_type>
> class_method_map_type;
// this will be our test function. it's supplied with the actions map,
// and the factory map
std::string test(std::string const& id,
actions_type& actions, class_method_map_type& factory) {
// pair containing the class and method name to call
std::pair<std::string, std::string> const& class_method =
// real code should take the maps by const parameter and use
// the find function of std::map to lookup the values, and store
// results of factory lookups. we try to be as short as possible.
variant_type v(factory[class_method].first());
// execute the function associated, giving it the object created
return factory[class_method].second(v);
int main() {
// possible actions
actions_type actions;
actions["first"] = std::make_pair("foo", "one");
actions["second"] = std::make_pair("bar", "two");
actions["third"] = std::make_pair("baz", "three");
// connect the strings to the actual entities. This is the actual
// heart of everything.
class_method_map_type factory_map;
factory_map[actions["first"]] =
std::make_pair(&factory<foo>, make_caller(&foo::one));
factory_map[actions["second"]] =
std::make_pair(&factory<bar>, make_caller(&bar::two));
factory_map[actions["third"]] =
std::make_pair(&factory<baz>, make_caller(&baz::three));
// outputs "I am happy!"
std::cout << test("first", actions, factory_map)
<< test("second", actions, factory_map)
<< test("third", actions, factory_map) << std::endl;
它使用了来自 boost 预处理器、函数类型和绑定库的非常有趣的技术。循环可能会很复杂,但是如果您在该代码中获得了密钥,那么就不再需要掌握了。如果要更改参数计数,只需调整 variant_call_type:
typedef boost::function<return_type (variant_type&, int)> variant_call_type;
现在您可以调用采用 int 的成员函数。以下是调用方的外观:
return factory[class_method].second(v, 42);
如果您现在说上面的内容太复杂,我不得不同意您的看法。这很复杂,因为 C++并不是真正为这种动态使用而设计的。如果您可以在要创建的每个对象中对方法进行分组和实现,则可以使用纯虚函数。或者,您可以在默认实现中抛出一些异常(如 std::runtime_error),因此派生类不需要实现所有内容:
struct my_object {
typedef std::string return_type;
virtual ~my_object() { }
virtual std::string one() { not_implemented(); }
virtual std::string two() { not_implemented(); }
void not_implemented() { throw std::runtime_error("not implemented"); }
struct object_factory {
boost::shared_ptr<my_object> create_instance(std::string const& name) {
// ...
映射可以由映射 ID 到一对类和函数名称(与上面相同)和映射到 boost::function 的映射组成:
typedef boost::function<my_object::return_type(my_object&)> function_type;
typedef std::map< std::pair<std::string, std::string>, function_type>
class_method_map[actions["first"]] = &my_object::one;
class_method_map[actions["second"]] = &my_object::two;
boost::shared_ptr<my_object> p(get_factory().
std::cout << class_method_map[actions["first"]](*p);