创建尺寸时,您实际上是在控制线。从 Revit 中取一条线,然后对其进行变换并将其垂直于您感兴趣的线偏移:(给定一个 dbView 和一个参考数组和一条曲线)
//create your line along the element you want to dimension
Line line = Line.CreateBound(locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(0), locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(1));
//Compute the perpendicular of that line (I took advantage of the fact that I was working in plan:
XYZ perpendicular = line.ComputeDerivatives(0.5, true).BasisX.CrossProduct(new XYZ(0, 0, 1));
//transform the line to the new offset location:
Line offsetline = line.CreateTransformed(Transform.CreateTranslation(perpendicular.Normalize())) as Line;
//Create the dimension.
revitDoc.Create.NewDimension(dbView, offsetline, aDimensionRefArray);