如果我创建一个指向基成员的指针,我通常可以将其转换为指向派生成员的指针,但在下面的 Buzz 之类的模板中使用时则不行,因为第一个模板参数会影响第二个模板参数。我是在与编译器错误作斗争,还是标准真的要求这不起作用?
struct Foo
int x;
struct Bar : public Foo
template<class T, int T::* z>
struct Buzz
static int Bar::* const workaround = &Foo::x;
int main()
// This works. Downcasting of pointer to members in general is fine.
int Bar::* y = &Foo::x;
// But this doesn't, at least in G++ 4.2 or Sun C++ 5.9. Why not?
// Error: could not convert template argument '&Foo::x' to 'int Bar::*'
Buzz<Bar, &Foo::x> test;
// Sun C++ 5.9 accepts this but G++ doesn't because '&' can't appear in
// a constant expression
Buzz<Bar, static_cast<int Bar::*>(&Foo::x)> test;
// Sun C++ 5.9 accepts this as well, but G++ complains "workaround cannot
// appear in a constant expression"
Buzz<Bar, workaround> test;
return 0;