I'm trying to use IIS Dynamic IP Restrictions to throttle requests from the same IP. I have the module running and the requests are nicely throttled if I edit the dynamic restrictions settings from the IIS UI. This is nice however I need to have different rates on different URLs. Login should be for example more strict than static resources. I'm trying to use locations
in web.config to achieve this.
<location path="foo">
<dynamicIpSecurity enableLoggingOnlyMode="true">
<denyByRequestRate enabled="true" maxRequests="1"
requestIntervalInMilliseconds="5000" />
Unfortunately, this doesn't apply. I'm quite sure it has nothing to do with my app because it doesn't work also on a static web with one HTML file. I'm also quite sure that the location path is correct, because the requests are blocked if I add ...<deny users="*" />