我的数据库中有 3 个表,tbl_events、tbl_exceptions、tbl_archived_events
**eventID** => int(4)Key, AutoIncrement
eventREF => VARCHAR (4) ( will remain the same for each version of the event and will be used to check for an exception)
eventName => VARCHAR (30) (Name of the event)
eventType => int(4) will determine the type of event it is
eventLocation => VARCHAR (30) hold the event location data
eventDate => DATETIME hold the date of the event
eventStart => DATETIME hold the start time of the event
eventEnd => DATETIME hold the end time of the event
isReoccuring => int(2) Default to 1 which means it is reoccurring
frequency => VARCHAR (10) will be either Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly
eventLink => VARCHAR (30) will contain a link to the event page if there is one
eventValid => int(2) Will be set to 1 if the event is on and 0 if there is an exception
**exceptionID** KeyField, AutoIncrement => int(4)
eventREF => VARCHAR (4) Holds the event ref number
exceptionDate => DATETIME , Hold the date of the exception
tbl_archive_events将存储已过期的过去事件。此表将存储与 tbl_events 表相同的数据,但仅用于过去的事件
**eventID** => int(4)Key, AutoIncrement
eventREF => VARCHAR (4) ( will remain the same for each version of the event and will be used to check for an exception)
eventName => VARCHAR (30) (Name of the event)
eventType => int(4) will determine the type of event it is
eventLocation => VARCHAR (30) hold the event location data
eventDate => DATETIME hold the date of the event
eventStart => DATETIME hold the start time of the event
eventEnd => DATETIME hold the end time of the event
isReoccuring => int(2) Default to 1 which means it is reoccurring
frequency => VARCHAR (10) will be either Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly
eventLink => VARCHAR (30) will contain a link to the event page if there is one
eventValid => int(2) Will be set to 1 if the event is on and 0 if there is an exception[/CODE]
因此,一旦事件过期,我希望 mysql 执行以下操作:
- 1/ 如果该事件是重复发生的事件,则创建一个新事件并将 eventDate 日期设置为相对于在频繁字段中指定的相对于现有事件的时间长度。
- 2/ 如果在 eventException 表中找到新事件 eventREF,则将 eventValid 设置为 0
- 3/ 一旦事件过期,将事件复制到 eventsArchive 表
- 4/ 从 tbl_events 表中删除过期事件
EVENT `new_event`
ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY STARTS '2016-07-24 03:00:00'
-- create new event
SELECT eventID, eventREF, eventTitle, eventLocation, eventDate, eventStart, eventEnd, isReoccuring, frequency, eventType, eventLink, eventValid
FROM tbl_events
WHERE eventDate < now()
--- for each event found create a new event
INSERT INTO tbl_events (eventID, eventREF, eventTitle, eventLocation, eventDate, eventStart, eventEnd, isReoccuring, frequency, eventType, eventLink, eventValid)
-- copy expired events to tbl_archived_events
INSERT INTO tbh_archived_events (eventID, eventREF, eventTitle, eventLocation, eventDate, eventStart, eventEnd, isReoccuring, frequency, eventType, eventLink, eventValid)
SELECT eventID, eventREF, eventTitle, eventLocation, eventDate, eventStart, eventEnd, isReoccuring, frequency, eventType, eventLink, eventValid
FROM tbl_events
WHERE eventDate < now();
-- delete expired events from tbl_events
DELETE FROM tbl_events WHERE eventDate < now();
END */$$[/PHP]