这个问题与 Create custom geom to compute summary statistics and display them *outside * the plotting region (注意:所有功能都已简化;不对正确的对象类型、NA等进行错误检查)
在基础 R 中,创建一个生成带状图的函数非常容易,其样本大小指示在分组变量的每个级别下方:您可以使用该mtext()
stripchart_w_n_ver1 <- function(data, x.var, y.var) {
x <- factor(data[, x.var])
y <- data[, y.var]
# Need to call plot.default() instead of plot because
# plot() produces boxplots when x is a factor.
plot.default(x, y, xaxt = "n", xlab = x.var, ylab = y.var)
levels.x <- levels(x)
x.ticks <- 1:length(levels(x))
axis(1, at = x.ticks, labels = levels.x)
n <- sapply(split(y, x), length)
mtext(paste0("N=", n), side = 1, line = 2, at = x.ticks)
stripchart_w_n_ver1(mtcars, "cyl", "mpg")
或者您可以使用以下函数将样本大小信息添加到 x 轴刻度标签axis()
stripchart_w_n_ver2 <- function(data, x.var, y.var) {
x <- factor(data[, x.var])
y <- data[, y.var]
# Need to set the second element of mgp to 1.5
# to allow room for two lines for the x-axis tick labels.
o.par <- par(mgp = c(3, 1.5, 0))
# Need to call plot.default() instead of plot because
# plot() produces boxplots when x is a factor.
plot.default(x, y, xaxt = "n", xlab = x.var, ylab = y.var)
n <- sapply(split(y, x), length)
levels.x <- levels(x)
axis(1, at = 1:length(levels.x), labels = paste0(levels.x, "\nN=", n))
stripchart_w_n_ver2(mtcars, "cyl", "mpg")
虽然这在基础 R 中是一项非常容易的任务,但在 ggplot2 中却非常复杂,因为很难获得用于生成绘图的数据,并且虽然有等效于axis()
函数来计算样本大小(即fun.y = "length"
),然后将该信息放在 x 轴刻度标签上,但据我所知,您无法提取样本大小然后以某种方式添加它们使用函数到 x 轴刻度标签scale_x_discrete()
正在计算但您无法获得的值(并且您还必须指定您希望将文本放置在哪里,同样,很难弄清楚放置它的位置,以便它直接位于 x 轴刻度标签的下方)。
小插图“扩展 ggplot2”(http://docs.ggplot2.org/dev/vignettes/extending-ggplot2.html)向您展示了如何创建自己的统计函数,该函数允许您直接获取数据,但问题是你总是必须定义一个几何图形来配合你的 stat 函数(即,ggplot
. 这是我尝试这样做的方法;我能做的最好的是将样本量信息放在每组的最小值 y 处:
StatN <- ggproto("StatN", Stat,
required_aes = c("x", "y"),
compute_group = function(data, scales) {
y <- data$y
y <- y[!is.na(y)]
n <- length(y)
data.frame(x = data$x[1], y = min(y), label = paste0("n=", n))
stat_n <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "text",
position = "identity", inherit.aes = TRUE, show.legend = NA,
na.rm = FALSE, ...) {
ggplot2::layer(stat = StatN, mapping = mapping, data = data, geom = geom,
position = position, inherit.aes = inherit.aes, show.legend = show.legend,
params = list(na.rm = na.rm, ...))
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(cyl), y = mpg)) + geom_point() + stat_n()
ggstripchart <- function(data, x.name, y.name,
point.params = list(),
x.axis.params = list(labels = levels(x)),
y.axis.params = list(), ...) {
if(!is.factor(data[, x.name]))
data[, x.name] <- factor(data[, x.name])
x <- data[, x.name]
y <- data[, y.name]
params <- list(...)
point.params <- modifyList(params, point.params)
x.axis.params <- modifyList(params, x.axis.params)
y.axis.params <- modifyList(params, y.axis.params)
point <- do.call("geom_point", point.params)
stripchart.list <- list(
theme(legend.position = "none")
n <- sapply(split(y, x), length)
x.axis.params$labels <- paste0(x.axis.params$labels, "\nN=", n)
x.axis <- do.call("scale_x_discrete", x.axis.params)
y.axis <- do.call("scale_y_continuous", y.axis.params)
stripchart.list <- c(stripchart.list, x.axis, y.axis)
ggplot(data = data, mapping = aes_string(x = x.name, y = y.name)) + stripchart.list
ggstripchart(mtcars, "cyl", "mpg")
ggstripchart(mtcars, "cyl", "mpg") + facet_wrap(~am)