因此,由于 javascripts 的异步行为,我最近深入研究了试图理解 Promise 及其背后的目的。虽然我“认为”我理解,但我仍然在努力解决如何承诺某些东西以返回未来值,然后执行一个新的代码块来做其他事情。我正在使用的两个主要节点模块:

  • pg-promise
  • exceljs

我想要做的是读取一个文件,然后一旦完全读取,迭代每个工作表执行 DB 命令。然后在处理完所有工作表后,返回并删除我阅读的原始文件。这是我的代码。 即使有多个工作表,我也可以正常工作,所有内容都可以写入数据库。我没有工作的是设置它以识别所有工作表何时已完全处理,然后删除文件

            .then(function () {
                // this array I was going to use to somehow populate a true/false array.  
                // Then when done with each sheet, push a true into the array.  
                // When all elements were true could signify all the processing is done... 
                // but have no idea how to utilize this!  
                // So left it in to take up space because wtf...
                var arrWorksheetComplete = [];

                workbook.eachSheet(function (worksheet) {
                    db.tx(function (t) {
                        var insertStatements = [];
                        for (var i = 2; i <= worksheet._rows.length; i++) {
                            // here we create a new array from the worksheet, as we need a 0 index based array.
                            // the worksheet values actually begins at element 1.  We will splice to dump the undefined element at index 0.
                            // This will allow the batch promises to work correctly... otherwise everything will be offset by 1
                            var arrValues = Array.from(worksheet.getRow(i).values);
                            arrValues.splice(0, 1);

                            // these queries are upsert.  Inserts will occur first, however if they error on the constraint, an update will occur instead.
                            insertStatements.push(t.one('insert into rq_data' +
                                '(col1, col2, col3) ' +
                                'values($1, $2, $3) ' +
                                'ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT key_constraint DO UPDATE SET ' +
                                '(prodname) = ' +
                                '($3) RETURNING autokey',
                        return t.batch(insertStatements);
                    .then(function (data) {
                        console.log('Success:', 'Inserted/Updated ' + data.length + ' records');
                    .catch(function (error) {
                        console.log('ERROR:', error.message || error);


    // everything processed!
    // this probably also wouldn't work as by now fileName is out of context?

但是当在 promise 中包含 promise 时,我感到非常困惑。我有 db.tx 调用,它本质上是嵌套在 .eachSheet 函数中的 promise。请帮助愚蠢的程序员理解!在这个上已经打了好几个小时了。:)


1 回答 1



我建议你阅读这篇关于 Promises 反模式的精彩文章(参见“The Collection Kerfuffle”部分)

如果需要串行执行 promise,本文建议使用reduce


workbook.csv.readFile(fileName).then(function () {

  processWorksheets().then(function() {
    // all worksheets processed!


function processWorksheets() {
    var worksheets = [];

    // first, build an array of worksheet
    workbook.eachSheet(function (worksheet) {

    // then chain promises using Array.reduce
    return worksheets.reduce(function(promise, item) {
        // promise is the the value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback.
        // item is a worksheet

        // when the previous promise will be resolved, call saveWorksheet on the next worksheet
        return promise.then(function(result) {
            return saveWorksheet(item, result);

    }, Promise.resolve()); // start chain with a 'fake' promise

// this method returns a promise
function saveWorksheet(worksheet, result) {

    return db.tx(function (t) {

      var insertStatements = [];
      for (var i = 2; i <= worksheet._rows.length; i++) {
        // here we create a new array from the worksheet, as we need a 0 index based array.
        // the worksheet values actually begins at element 1.  We will splice to dump the undefined element at index 0.
        // This will allow the batch promises to work correctly... otherwise everything will be offset by 1
        var arrValues = Array.from(worksheet.getRow(i).values);
        arrValues.splice(0, 1);

        // these queries are upsert.  Inserts will occur first, however if they error on the constraint, an update will occur instead.
        insertStatements.push(t.one('insert into rq_data' +
                                    '(col1, col2, col3) ' +
                                    'values($1, $2, $3) ' +
                                    'ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT key_constraint DO UPDATE SET ' +
                                    '(prodname) = ' +
                                    '($3) RETURNING autokey',

      return t.batch(insertStatements);
    // this two below can be removed...
    .then(function (data) {
       return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
          console.log('Success:', 'Inserted/Updated ' + data.length + ' records');
    .catch(function (error) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        console.log('ERROR:', error.message || error);



var Promise = require('promise');


于 2016-10-16T13:53:01.757 回答