我有一个非常大的 4.5M 文档数据库。使用默认查询解析器时,我要查找的文档会按原样出现在结果中。

      "q":"\"I predict a riot\"",
        "artist":"Kaiser Chiefs",
        "text":"<p>Oh, watchin' the people get lairy<br>It's not very pretty, I tell thee<br>Walkin' through town is quite scary<br>And not very sensible either<br>A friend of a friend he got beaten<br>He looked the wrong way at a policeman<br>Would never have happened to Smeaton<br>An old Leodiensian<br><br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot<br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot<br><br>Oh, I try to get to my taxi<br>A man in a tracksuit attacks me<br>He said that he saw it before me<br>Wants to get things a bit gory<br>Girls scrabble round with no clothes on<br>To borrow a pound for a condom<br>If it wasn't for chip fat, they'd be frozen<br>They're not very sensible<br><br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot<br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot<br><br>And if there's anybody left in here<br>That doesn't want to be out there<br><br>Ow!<br><br>Oh, watchin' the people get lairy<br>It's not very pretty, I tell thee<br>Walkin' through town is quite scary<br>Not very sensible<br><br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot<br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot<br><br>And if there's anybody left in here<br>That doesn't want to be out there<br><br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot<br>I predict a riot, I predict a riot</p>",
        "title":"I predict a riot",

但是,当我使用所有附加参数切换到 DisMax 查询处理程序时,这就是我得到的:

  "responseHeader": {
  "status": 0,
  "QTime": 1,
  "params": {
    "q": "\"I predict a riot\"",
    "defType": "dismax",
    "ps": "0",
    "qf": "text",
    "echoParams": "all",
    "pf": "text^5",
    "wt": "json"
  "response": {
    "numFound": 0,
    "start": 0,
    "docs": []


我是 Solr 新手,我不明白这个查询有什么问题。我尝试将 qf 和 pf 更改为“艺术家文本标题”,但没有。




"params": {
"q": "I predict a riot",
"defType": "dismax",
"qf": "text artist title",
"echoParams": "all",
"pf": "text^5",
"rows": "100",
"wt": "json"


"debug": {
"rawquerystring": "I predict a riot",
"querystring": "I predict a riot",
"parsedquery": "(+(DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:I | title:I | artist:I)) DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:predict | title:predict | artist:predict)) DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:a | title:a | artist:a)) DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:riot | title:riot | artist:riot))) DisjunctionMaxQuery(((text:I predict a riot)^5.0)))/no_coord",
"parsedquery_toString": "+((text:I | title:I | artist:I) (text:predict | title:predict | artist:predict) (text:a | title:a | artist:a) (text:riot | title:riot | artist:riot)) ((text:I predict a riot)^5.0)",
"QParser": "DisMaxQParser",
"altquerystring": null,
"boostfuncs": null



 <field name="title" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
 <field name="artist" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>   
 <field name="text" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

1 回答 1




<fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
    <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" enablePositionIncrements="true" />
    <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>


但是我确实有一个字段中qf有完整的句子?是的。但是 dismax 查询解析器根据自己的规则对输入进行标记,然后根据这些规则创建一个新的内部查询。您可以看到它将查询字符串扩展为一长串 OR,其中每个术语都被单独搜索。由于没有标记自己与这些术语匹配的标记,因此您不会获得任何命中。

如果您使用了edismax也支持 lucene 查询语法的查询解析器,那么您本来可以title:"I predict a riot"至少获得一次命中,但它仍然不会像您预期的那样运行,只需获得与标题匹配的一个文档一个字一个字。

于 2016-10-16T02:02:38.733 回答