我一直在使用设计自动化 API 在一些绘图文件上运行一些简单的脚本,但我的输出文件总是损坏,我不知道为什么。

我正在运行以下脚本以将一些数据添加到 MTEX​​T 中的图形中

; Some setup of variables
; Get the co-ords of the bottom right corner
(setq x-coord (car (getvar 'extmax)))
(setq y-coord (cadr (getvar 'extmin)))
; Move the coords away from the drawing a bit
(setq y-coord (- y-coord 5))
; Create multi-line text at bottom right in a 200 x 100 box
-mtext (list x-coord y-coord) h 2 (list (+ x-coord 200) (- y-coord 100)) - - MED data - - 
Project: Project X
End User: TestCorp  
Tag No: P1234567
Version: 1  
Created: 29/09/16
Modified: 29/09/16

(command "_save" "result.dwg")
; end

当我在本地版本的 AutoCAD 中运行该脚本时,它运行良好,但是当我在设计自动化 API 上运行它时,结果文件是一个无法打开的小混乱!


    "InputParameters": [
    "Script":"; Some setup of variables\n;\n; Get the co-ords of the bottom right corner\n(setq x-coord (car (getvar 'extmax)))\n(setq y-coord (cadr (getvar 'extmin)))\n; Move the coords away from the drawing a bit\n(setq y-coord (- y-coord 5))\n; Create multi-line text at bottom right in a 200 x 100 box\n-mtext (list x-coord y-coord) h 2 (list (+ x-coord 200) (- y-coord 100)) - - MED data - - \nProject: Project X\nEnd User: TestCorp\nTag No: P1234567\nVersion: 1\nCreated: 29\/09\/16\nModified: 29\/09\/16\n\n(command \"_save\" \"result.dwg\")\n; end"

当我在设计自动化 API 上运行此活动时,我收到以下响应

ActivityId => 'TagMtextDataAndSave'
Arguments => object(stdClass) {
    InputArguments => [
    (int) 0 => object(stdClass) {
        Resource => 'https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
        Name => 'HostDwg'
        Headers => []
        ResourceKind => null
        StorageProvider => 'Generic'
        HttpVerb => null
OutputArguments => [
    (int) 0 => object(stdClass) {
        Resource => 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/oss/v2/buckets/my-persistent-bucket/objects/result.dwg'
        Name => 'Result'
        Headers => [
            (int) 0 => object(stdClass) {
                Name => 'Authorization'
                Value => 'Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
        ResourceKind => null
        StorageProvider => 'Generic'
        HttpVerb => 'PUT'
Status => 'Succeeded'
StatusDetails => object(stdClass) {
    Report => ''
AvailabilityZone => null
TimeQueued => '2016-10-13T11:49:40.151Z'
TimeInputTransferStarted => '2016-10-13T11:49:40.085Z'
TimeScriptStarted => '2016-10-13T11:49:42.085Z'
TimeScriptEnded => '2016-10-13T11:49:43.35Z'
TimeOutputTransferEnded => '2016-10-13T11:49:43.741Z'
BytesTranferredIn => (int) 59840
BytesTranferredOut => (int) 22702
Timestamp => '2016-10-13T11:49:43.741Z'
Id => '694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681'

这就是事情变得混乱的地方。正如您在上面看到的报告有Status => 'Succeeded',但是如果我们查看输入/输出字节,我们会看到

BytesTranferredIn => (int) 59840
BytesTranferredOut => (int) 22702

当我尝试下载并打开文件时,AutoCAD 说它已损坏,这并不奇怪,因为似乎缺少很多东西。我已经从 API 下载了报告,但我再次看不到任何失败的原因!

[10/13/2016 11:49:40] Starting work item 694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681
[10/13/2016 11:49:40] Start download phase.
[10/13/2016 11:49:40] Start downloading file https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[10/13/2016 11:49:41] Redirected, download from https://doc-0s-10-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0roXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXmbp1/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/1476352800000/02518323576368124429/*/0B7GM1RWKWZHGdnhMSmRrSDhodDQ?e=download instead.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Time spent on downloading from redirected url is 0.1718424 seconds.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] End downloading file https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. 59840 bytes have been written to C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\test.dwg.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] End download phase.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Start preparing script and command line parameters.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Start script content.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] ; Some setup of variables
; Get the co-ords of the bottom right corner
(setq x-coord (car (getvar 'extmax)))
(setq y-coord (cadr (getvar 'extmin)))
; Move the coords away from the drawing a bit
(setq y-coord (- y-coord 5))
; Create multi-line text at bottom right in a 200 x 100 box
-mtext (list x-coord y-coord) h 2 (list (+ x-coord 200) (- y-coord 100)) - - MED data - - 
Project: Project X
End User: TestCorp
Tag No: P1234567
Version: 1
Created: 29/09/16
Modified: 29/09/16

(command "_save" "result.dwg")
; end
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] End script content.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Command line: /i "C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\test.dwg" /s "C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\script.scr"
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] End preparing script and command line parameters.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Start script phase.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] ### Command line arguments: /isolate job_694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681 "C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\userdata" /exe "C:\Aces\AcesRoot\20.1\coreEngine\Exe\accoreconsole.exe"  /i "C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\test.dwg" /s "C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\script.scr".
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] HostApp = C:\Aces\AcesRoot\20.1\coreEngine\Exe\sandboxer.exe.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Start AutoCAD Core application output.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Redirect stdout (file: C:\Users\ACESWO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\accc40643).
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Isolating to userId=job_694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681, userDataFolder=C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\userdata.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Launching sandbox process: [C:\Aces\AcesRoot\20.1\coreEngine\Exe\accoreconsole.exe /i C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\test.dwg /s C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\script.scr  /isolate job_694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681 C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\userdata]
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Setting TMP to [C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\userdata\temp]
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Redirect stdout (file: C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\userdata\temp\accc24922).
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] AutoCAD Core Engine Console - Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved. (M.49.Z.1)
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Running at low integrity.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Substituting [simplex.shx] for [G415L_A3.SHX].
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Regenerating model.
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Command:
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Command:
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Command:
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Command: (setq x-coord (car (getvar 'extmax)))
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] 50.2149
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Command: (setq y-coord (cadr (getvar 'extmin)))
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] 7.46976
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] Command: (setq y-coord (- y-coord 5))
[10/13/2016 11:49:42] 2.46976
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Command: -mtext
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.2000  Annotative:  No
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Specify first corner: (list x-coord y-coord) (50.2149 2.46976)
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Specify opposite corner or [Height/Justify/Line spacing/Rotation/Style/Width/Columns]: h
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Specify height <0.2000>: 2
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Specify opposite corner or [Height/Justify/Line spacing/Rotation/Style/Width/Columns]: (list (+ x-coord 200) (- y-coord 100)) (250.215 -97.5302)
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText: - - MED data - -
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText: Project: Project X
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText: End User: TestCorp
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText: Tag No: P1234567
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText: Version: 1
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText: Created: 29/09/16
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText: Modified: 29/09/16
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] MText:
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Command: (command "_save" "result.dwg")
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] _save Save drawing as <C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\test.dwg>: result.dwg
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Command: nil
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Command: _quit
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] End AutoCAD Core Console output
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] End script phase.
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Start upload phase.
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Uploading C:\Aces\Jobs\694fa87557db46a985a63f6e40c1e681\result.dwg to https://developer.api.autodesk.com/oss/v2/buckets/my-persistent-bucket/objects/result.dwg.
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] End upload phase.
[10/13/2016 11:49:43] Job finished with result Succeeded



                       ======= Update =======


我想在周末我可能正在运行 autoCad 2017,但我今天早上检查了一下,现在是 2016 年。我尝试使用 21.0 引擎作为测试再次运行脚本,但结果几乎相同!

我已允许共享访问我从中获取文件的 g-drive 目录,并且我还上传了 results.dwg 文件和最后一份报告供大家查看。




2 回答 2


This is a summary on what I have discussed with Kev. just for reference in the future.

It is a good practice to verify the workflow of Design Automation by simple scripts. Here is a Postman collection that might help: getpostman.com/collections/e7db377746740e9fa35c to use it, you will need to define the corresponding parameters of the collection.

In Kev's case, the result drawing from design automation was not problematic, the issue was Kev had encoded the drawings to upload to Forge bucket. That's what was going wrong the encoding/decoding was corrupting the file.

于 2016-10-21T03:19:32.467 回答

您使用什么版本的 AutoCAD 打开生成的图形?您正在使用对应于 AutoCAD 2016 的引擎版本 20.1。save 命令以该版本的默认格式(即 2013)输出文件。您是否可能使用 AutoCAD 2013 之前的版本来读取结果?

顺便说一句,您可以使用 SAVEAS 命令指定要输出的 DWG 版本。

于 2016-10-13T17:08:26.683 回答