我刚刚写了一段代码来处理 THREE.js 场景中的对象旋转。但问题不是特定于 3D 的。
我希望我的对象(this)在每个函数调用时转动 0.25 弧度,直到它的旋转(this.clientRotation)达到 this.targetRotation 中定义的旋转。下面的代码是在渲染循环中不断调用的 update() 函数的内容。
我必须检查旋转(以弧度为单位)差异是否高于 180 度,在这种情况下,最短的转弯将是相反的。
我必须检查更新后的旋转是否保持在 -PI 和 +PI(0 到 360 度)之间。
//Move only if we find a delta big enough between the target rotation and current rotation
//Rotation goes from -PI to +PI
this.rotationSpeed = 0.25;
var absDiff = Math.abs(this.clientRotation - this.targetRotation);
if(absDiff > this.rotationSpeed){
if(absDiff < Math.PI){
//Less than 180 degrees, turn towards the target
if(this.targetRotation > this.clientRotation) this.clientRotation += this.rotationSpeed;
if(this.targetRotation < this.clientRotation) this.clientRotation -= this.rotationSpeed;
} else {
//More than 180 degrees this way, so it is shorter to turn the other way
if(this.targetRotation > this.clientRotation) this.clientRotation -= this.rotationSpeed;
if(this.targetRotation < this.clientRotation) this.clientRotation += this.rotationSpeed;
//If rotation radians becomes more than a complete 360 turn, start again from 0
//If it goes below 0, start again down from 360
if(this.clientRotation > Math.PI) this.clientRotation -= Math.PI*2;
if(this.clientRotation < -Math.PI) this.clientRotation += Math.PI*2;