I want to clone an existing Firebase project, lets name it ProjectA that previously exists on Firebase console with some Remote Config data to another new project(without any Remote Config data), lets name it ProjectB.

The idea behind my question is that currently I have developed an Android app that is using the google-service.json(Firebase configuration file) file from the ProjectA, so I want to create/clone a new Firebase project ProjectB(NOTE: I don't want a new Firebase app on the same project) that starts with exactly the same Remote Config data from ProjectA and then add the google-service.json from the new ProjectB to my new Android app.

I have read the firebase-cli documentation but looks like it's out of its scope.

Has someone accomplished something similar like this or has an idea how can I accomplish this? Thanks in advance!


3 回答 3


我刚刚创建了这个 ruby​​ gem来自动化我需要从 Web 浏览器执行的手动过程,以将我的远程配置数据从ProjectA我的新ProjectB.

注意: gem 实际上是一个 alpha 版本,只考虑远程配置,没有任何规则。如果你们中的一些人想要分叉并改进它,请随时这样做。

于 2016-10-06T19:08:24.240 回答

目前没有办法(无论是通过控制台还是通过 API)来创建一个克隆另一个项目的项目。目前,您必须手动在新项目中重新创建配置数据。

于 2016-09-28T13:39:49.670 回答

Firebase 在此处记录了在项目之间移动数据的流程: https ://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/manage-data/move-data


于 2019-12-24T11:08:51.743 回答