输入,{-# LANGUAGE KitchenSink #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, FlexibleInstances #-}
首先,只是通过反射,我介绍了 Hasochistic 自然数:
data Nat = Z | S Nat -- type-level numbers
data Natty :: Nat -> * where -- value-level representation of Nat
Zy :: Natty Z
Sy :: Natty n -> Natty (S n)
class NATTY n where -- value-level representability
natty :: Natty n
instance NATTY Z where
natty = Zy
instance NATTY n => NATTY (S n) where
natty = Sy natty
在我看来,这正是你想要声明一个数据类型然后允许其他类型依赖于它的值时所做的事情。Richard Eisenberg 的“单例”库使构建自动化。
也可以作为 的单例Nat
系统地从 生成时Nat
,它们' 是我们认为合适的权利,我们可以利用或不利用,而不是额外的证明。这个例子不涉及向量,引入向量只是为了有单例是不正当的Nat
int :: Nat -> Integer
int Z = 0
int (S n) = 1 + int n
instance Show Nat where
show = show . int
nat :: Natty n -> Nat
nat Zy = Z
nat (Sy n) = S (nat n)
instance Show (Natty n) where
show = show . nat
data Mod :: Nat -> * where
(:%) :: Integer -> Natty n -> Mod (S n)
remainder :: Natty n -- predecessor of modulus
-> Integer -- any representative
-> Integer -- canonical representative
-- if candidate negative, add the modulus
remainder n x | x < 0 = remainder n (int (nat (Sy n)) + x)
-- otherwise get dividing
remainder n x = go (Sy n) x x where
go :: Natty m -- divisor countdown (initially the modulus)
-> Integer -- our current guess at the representative
-> Integer -- dividend countdown
-> Integer -- the canonical representative
-- when we run out of dividend the guessed representative is canonical
go _ c 0 = c
-- when we run out of divisor but not dividend,
-- the current dividend countdown is a better guess at the rep,
-- but perhaps still too big, so start again, counting down
-- from the modulus (conveniently still in scope)
go Zy _ y = go (Sy n) y y
-- otherwise, decrement both countdowns
go (Sy m) c y = go m c (y - 1)
rep :: NATTY n -- we pluck the modulus rep from thin air
=> Integer -> Mod (S n) -- when we see the modulus we want
rep x = remainder n x :% n where n = natty
instance NATTY n => Monoid (Mod (S n)) where
mempty = rep 0
mappend (x :% _) (y :% _) = rep (x + y)
instance Show (Mod n) where
show (x :% n) = concat ["(", show (remainder n x), " :% ", show (Sy n), ")"]
instance Eq (Mod n) where
(x :% n) == (y :% _) = remainder n x == remainder n y
type Four = S (S (S (S Z)))
> foldMap rep [1..5] :: Mod Four
(3 :% 4)
所以是的,你确实需要依赖类型,但是 Haskell 的依赖类型已经足够了。