


2 回答 2


Yes! In fact, I go through this exact process in the getting started videoS (part 1), (part 2), which I recommend you check out if you haven't yet.

But, generally speaking, you can test the "Open my app if I have it installed" flow simply by clicking on a dynamic link. If your app is installed on the device, it should open up just fine; even if it's not a published app.

If you want to test the non-installed flow, this is pretty easy, too.

  • First, give your Firebase project an app store ID in your project settings. It can be any valid App store ID -- it doesn't have to be for your app.
  • Then generate a new dynamic link.
  • This time, when you click on this new link, it should take you to the app store for the ID you listed above. You don't need to actually install this app -- just making it to the app store listing is good enough.
  • Now, go ahead and reinstall and run your app. If everything is working properly, it should retrieve and display the dynamic link data for you.
于 2016-12-08T23:39:41.520 回答

我遇到了同样的问题,在花了很多时间试图找到解决方案后,并按照 Todd Kerpelman post解释的调试说明进行操作,我可以确定 firebase 在第一个应用程序启动时没有发送通用链接,并且已经发送具有以下结构的方案 URL:


dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL确定之后,我在 Firesabe SDK 中找到了该方法,我可以通过动态链接在第一个应用程序启动时解决我的问题。

 * @method dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL:
 * @abstract Get a Dynamic Link from a custom scheme URL. This method parses URLs with a custom
 *     scheme, for instance, "comgoogleapp://google/link?deep_link_id=abc123". It is suggested to
 *     call it inside your |UIApplicationDelegate|'s
 *     |application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation| and |application:openURL:options:|
 *     methods.
 * @param url Custom scheme URL.
 * @return Dynamic Link object if the URL is valid and has link parameter, otherwise nil.
- (nullable FIRDynamicLink *)dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL:(NSURL *)url

 * @method dynamicLinkFromUniversalLinkURL:completion:
 * @abstract Get a Dynamic Link from a universal link URL. This method parses the universal link
 *     URLs, for instance,
 *     "https://example.page.link?link=https://www.google.com&ibi=com.google.app&ius=comgoogleapp".
 *     It is suggested to call it inside your |UIApplicationDelegate|'s
 *     |application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:| method.
 * @param URL Custom scheme URL.
 * @param completion A block that handles the outcome of attempting to get a Dynamic Link from a
 * universal link URL.
- (void)dynamicLinkFromUniversalLinkURL:(NSURL *)url

 * @method dynamicLinkFromUniversalLinkURL:
 * @abstract Get a Dynamic Link from a universal link URL. This method parses universal link
 *     URLs, for instance,
 *     "https://example.page.link?link=https://www.google.com&ibi=com.google.app&ius=comgoogleapp".
 *     It is suggested to call it inside your |UIApplicationDelegate|'s
 *     |application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:| method.
 * @param url Custom scheme URL.
 * @return Dynamic Link object if the URL is valid and has link parameter, otherwise nil.
于 2021-02-18T14:25:14.993 回答