遗憾的是 OneNote API 还不支持它,所以我编写了我的自定义解析器,它从页面内容中提取带有数据标签的笔记。这里是:
public class OneNoteParser
static public List<Note> ExtractTaggedNotes(string pageContent, string tag = "*")
List<Note> allNotes = new List<Note>();
string[] dataTagString = { "data-tag=\""};
string[] dirtyNotes = pageContent.Split(dataTagString, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//First one in this array can be dropped as it doesn't contain todo
for (int i = 1; i < dirtyNotes.Length; i )
string curStr = dirtyNotes[i];
Note curNote = new Note();
// Firstly we need to extract all the tags from it (sample html: data-tag="to-do:completed,important" ....)
string allTags = curStr.Substring(0,curStr.IndexOf("\""));
curNote.Tags = new List<string>(allTags.Split(','));
// Now we have to jump to the next ">" symbol and start finding the text after it
curStr = curStr.Substring(curStr.IndexOf(">"));
int depth = 1;
bool addAllowed = false;
for (int j = 0; j < curStr.Length - 1; j )
// Finding next tag opener "<" symbol
if (curStr[j] == '<')
addAllowed = false;
// Checking if it is not "</" closer
if (curStr[j 1] == '/')
// Means this is a tag closer. Decreasing depth
// Means this is an tag opener. Increasing depth
depth ;
else if (curStr[j] == '>')
addAllowed = true;
if (j > 0 && curStr[j - 1] == '/')
// Means this is a tag closer. Decreasing depth
if (depth < 1)
// Found end of the tag. Saving index and exiting for loop
if (addAllowed)
curNote.Text = curStr[j]; // Appending letter to string
// Filtering by tag and adding to final list
if (tag == "*" || curNote.Tags.Any(str => str.Contains(tag)))//curNote.Tags.Contains(tag, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
return allNotes;
public class Note
public string Text;
public List<string> Tags;
public Note()
Tags = new List<string>();
要提取 todo-s,只需调用此函数:
OneNoteParser.ExtractTaggedNotes(pageContent, "to-do");
OneNoteParser.ExtractTaggedNotes(pageContent, "important");
OneNoteParser.ExtractTaggedNotes(pageContent, "highlight");