I have a lot of errors after updating an angular2 project from RC2 to Final 2.0.0

Most of them read: has no exported mng 'such and such'

Since I just got started with angular2 it would be great if someone could point me into a general direction/pattern on how to resolve such issues (generally, for debugging in the future etc)?

To name a few:

has no exported mng 'provideRouter'
has no exported mng 'RouterConfig'
has no exported mng 'ROUTER_DIRECTIVES'
has no exported mng 'addProviders'

1 回答 1


This seem to be errors from upgrading angular to the 2.0.0 version.

For each error you can look in the changelog of Angular github and find an answer there.


For example: addProviders

    withProviders, use TestBed.withModule instead
    addProviders, use TestBed.configureTestingModule instead
于 2016-09-16T16:08:02.463 回答