
editors which have access to the plugin "powermail" have access to all of the forms. Since it is a multidomain-installation the editors should have only access to the forms of their domain.

I thought the limitation of access-rights should be enough, but all editors have access to all forms - independent of the domain and pagetree.

Any hints?




2 回答 2


在 powermail 3.8 或更高版本中,编辑者只能选择存储在他们可以自动访问的页面上的表单。

于 2016-10-23T07:58:59.173 回答

在这里得到了答案: https ://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/powermail/ForAdministrators/BestPractice/FilterFormSelection/Index.html

受 PageTS 限制,例如:

#Show only Forms from the same page where the plugin is stored (and all subpages)
tx_powermail.flexForm.formSelection = current

# Show Forms from page 46 (and all subpages)
tx_powermail.flexForm.formSelection = 46

# Show Forms from page 46,49 and the current page where the plugin is stored (and all their subpages)
tx_powermail.flexForm.formSelection = 46,49,current
于 2016-09-05T14:01:25.030 回答