In my hugo project I define a "description" attribute in a yaml config file.

description: >
    Some text ...
    Some more text ...    

I use it in a html file and run it through the markdown preprocessor.

<p>{{ .description | markdownify }}</p>

As I normally use Asciidoc files I would prefer to have the sourcefiles in Asciidoc. But I didn't find a function like "asciidocify".

How can I do that?


1 回答 1


目前(从 Hugo 0.16 开始)没有asciidocify或类似的函数,我想也不会,直到我们在 Hugo 中获得原生 (Go) Asciidoc 支持。

我是 Hugo 的维护者。

于 2016-09-11T11:36:39.393 回答