我最近买了我全新的 CV1。即使我的 GTX 980M 不推荐使用 VGA,但它应该显示一些东西。现在关于问题。它从 Oculus Home 设置开始,似乎一切正常,甚至跟踪工作正常,我在设置过程中收听了音频,但显示完全黑。顺便说一句,LED是橙色的。但是,我设法仅通过我的 Oculus 遥控器使用音频来传递设置。现在我可以看到 Oculus Home,但是当我尝试从那里运行任何应用程序时,它只是保持黑色。我也是一名 Unity3D 开发人员,当我尝试启动自己的应用程序时也发生了同样的情况。在统一的 HDM 工作中,陀螺仪正常(当我转身时,我可以在笔记本电脑的显示屏上看到)但显示屏仍然是黑色的,带有橙色 LED 灯。在这里,我捕获了一些 Oculus 服务器日志,也许它可以提供帮助!请帮助任何人!
24/08 15:36:48.824 {INFO} [LifeCycle] motionSensorEvent() Start
24/08 15:36:48.824 {INFO} [LifeCycle] HMD Moving: true
24/08 15:36:48.824 {INFO} [TrackingManager] Setting tracking mode to on
24/08 15:36:48.824 {INFO} [Server] Tracking Enabled : true
24/08 15:36:48.824 {DEBUG} [Server] UpdateFocusedVirtualHmd: ConfigureTracking On (112)
24/08 15:36:48.824 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [VirtualHMD] Applying client-specific caps
24/08 15:36:48.825 {WARNING} [Server] Setting connection focus to pid: 1336, file: oculus-overlays.exe, but no window handle exists
24/08 15:36:48.825 {INFO} [LifeCycle] motionSensorEvent() End
24/08 15:36:49.118 {INFO} [HW:Enumeration] HMDs: 1, Displays: 1
24/08 15:36:49.118 {DEBUG} [HW:HmdSensor] IMU report rate = 500
24/08 15:36:49.118 {INFO} [HW:HmdSensor] Leaving idle mode
24/08 15:36:49.118 {INFO} [HW:Enumeration] Setting frameInterval = 19200, ledExposure = 399
24/08 15:36:49.118 {INFO} [HW:HmdSensor] Setting LED state: true
24/08 15:36:49.320 {DEBUG} [Server] Connection open for pid: 12020, file: Unity.exe
24/08 15:36:49.320 {DEBUG} [Server] Accepted a client from pid: 12020(Unity.exe) running version (prod = 1).1.7.0(build = 262766) feature version = 0. Server is version (prod = 1).1.7.0(build = 262766) feature version = 0
24/08 15:36:49.321 {DEBUG} [Server] UpdateFocusedVirtualHmd: ConfigureTracking On (112)
24/08 15:36:49.321 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [VirtualHMD] Applying client-specific caps
24/08 15:36:50.450 {WARNING} [Server] Setting connection focus to pid: 1336, file: oculus-overlays.exe, but no window handle exists
24/08 15:36:50.450 {DEBUG} [Server] Hmd_Create
24/08 15:36:50.450 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [AppFocusObserver] AddProcess: Recognizing the newly added process as in-focus pid=12020
24/08 15:36:50.450 {INFO} [LifeCycle] registerPid() Start
24/08 15:36:50.450 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Register Pid: 12020 (Sideloaded)
24/08 15:36:50.450 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Registering tracker: 12020 (Sideloaded)
24/08 15:36:50.450 {INFO} [LifeCycle] App already added.
24/08 15:36:50.450 {INFO} [LifeCycle] registerPid() End
24/08 15:36:50.450 {DEBUG} [Server] Hmd_GetHmdInfo
24/08 15:36:50.454 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [AppFocusObserver] UpdateTextureSetActive: Setting rift window for pid=12020 textureset=1
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] requestFocus() Start
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Request Focus: 12020 (Sideloaded)
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Request Location: APP
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Push Location: APP
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Update Location: HSW
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Inactive Focus: 3452 (oculus-home)
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Already Focused: 0 (Unknown)
24/08 15:36:50.454 {INFO} [LifeCycle] requestFocus() End
24/08 15:36:50.455 {INFO} [Kernel:Default] WARNING: [CameraTimeSynchronizer] out of sync. Exposure Delta = 33830.2 ms, cameraDelta = -32430.4 ms.
24/08 15:36:50.455 {WARNING} [Tracking:Tracker] WMTD302S600Z3S: at 0, skipped 1 frames (37403 -> 37405)
24/08 15:36:50.569 {INFO} [Kernel:Default] [CameraTimeSynchronizer] successfully synchronized.
24/08 15:36:50.667 {DEBUG} [Tracking:Filter] HMD: Large change, resetting position filter
24/08 15:36:51.031 {INFO} [DeviceEvent] SENSOR [WMTD302S600Z3S] TrackingChanged 0
24/08 15:36:51.031 {INFO} [HardwareManager] Tracker WMTD302S600Z3S got tracking event with error code 0
24/08 15:36:51.518 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [AppFocusObserver] UpdateRenderingActive: pid=12020 active
24/08 15:36:51.518 {INFO} [LifeCycle] enterVR() Start
24/08 15:36:51.518 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Enter VR: 12020 (Sideloaded)
24/08 15:36:51.518 {INFO} [AppTracker] VR Ready: 12020 (Sideloaded)
24/08 15:36:51.518 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Request Focus: 12020 (Sideloaded)
24/08 15:36:51.518 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Request Location: APP
24/08 15:36:51.518 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Push Location: APP
24/08 15:36:51.518 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Update Location: HSW
24/08 15:36:51.519 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Inactive Focus: 3452 (oculus-home)
24/08 15:36:51.519 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Already Focused: 0 (Unknown)
24/08 15:36:51.519 {INFO} [LifeCycle] enterVR() End
24/08 15:36:54.815 {DEBUG} [Tracking:Pnp] RansacMatch: Too many outliers: 1 outliers out of 5, allowed 0
24/08 15:36:58.592 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [AppFocusObserver] UpdateTextureSetActive: Active process pid=12020 dismantling its last texture set
24/08 15:36:58.592 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [AppFocusObserver] NextProcess: Switching active rift process to pid=1336 textureset=1 (not updating active render window)
24/08 15:36:58.592 {INFO} [LifeCycle] requestFocus() Start
24/08 15:36:58.592 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Request Focus: 1336 (oculus-overlays)
24/08 15:36:58.592 {INFO} [LifeCycle] Setting focus to Overlays is not allowed.
24/08 15:36:58.592 {INFO} [LifeCycle] requestFocus() End
24/08 15:36:58.594 {DEBUG} [Server] UpdateFocusedVirtualHmd: ConfigureTracking On (112)
24/08 15:36:58.594 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [VirtualHMD] Applying client-specific caps
24/08 15:36:58.598 {WARNING} [Server] Setting connection focus to pid: 1336, file: oculus-overlays.exe, but no window handle exists
24/08 15:36:58.598 {INFO} [Server] Connection closed for pid: 12020, file: Unity.exe
24/08 15:36:58.598 {DEBUG} [Server] UpdateFocusedVirtualHmd: ConfigureTracking On (112)
24/08 15:36:58.598 {DEBUG} [Kernel:Default] [VirtualHMD] Applying client-specific caps
24/08 15:36:58.616 {WARNING} [Server] Setting connection focus to pid: 1336, file: oculus-overlays.exe, but no window handle exists
24/08 15:36:58.616 {INFO} [Server] Connection destroyed for pid: 12020, file: Unity.exe
24/08 15:37:01.456 {INFO} [DeviceEvent] SENSOR [WMTD302S600Z3S] TrackingChanged 0
24/08 15:37:01.456 {INFO} [HardwareManager] Tracker WMTD302S600Z3S got tracking event with error code 0