
我正在尝试使用 Scapy 发送具有 BGP 层的数据包

我目前被困在这个问题的基本部分,因为我无法设置 BGP 层。我按照说明设置了常规 IP 和 TCP 层。




NameError: name BGP is not defined

我已经在 Scapy Github 的 contrib 文件中看到了 BGP 实现(https://github.com/secdev/scapy/blob/9201f1cf1318edd5768d7e2ee968b7fba0a24c5e/scapy/contrib/bgp.py)所以我认为 Scapy 确实支持 BGP 实现

我是网络新手,所以我想知道您是否可以帮助我设置 BGP 层



2 回答 2


我们想要一个使用 scapy 的 BGP 层。由于 BGP 通过 TCP 传输。所以我们必须有一个已建立的(3 次握手)tcp 套接字。TCP 通过 IP 传输。因此,我们可以用以下格式表示完整的数据包。

packet = IP Layer / TCP Layer / BGP Layer
但BGP本身分为两部分,BGP Header和BGP Payload(EG:OPEN、UPDATE)。所以上面的层表示如下。

packet = IP Layer / TCP Layer / BGP Header / BGP payload
这里 BGP Header 指定了 BGP Payload 的身份验证、长度和类型。为了在 scapy 中表示整个事物,我们可以进行以下练习。(我在这里假设你有一个已建立的 TCP 套接字。)

from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP
from scapy.contrib.bgp import BGPHeader, BGPUpdate, BGPPathAttr, BGPNLRI_IPv4

base = IP(src=src_ipv4_addr, dst=dst_ipv4_addr, proto=6, ttl=255)  # proto=6 represents that, TCP will be travelling above this layer. This is simple IPV4 communication.
tcp = TCP(sport=established_port, dport=179, seq=current_seq_num, ack=expected_seq_num, flags='PA'])  # dport=179 means, we are communicating with bgp port of the destination router/ host. sport is a random port over which tcp is established. seq and ack are the sequence number and acknowledgement numbers. flags = PA are the PUSH and ACK flags.
hdr = BGPHeader(type=2, marker=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)  # type=2 means UPDATE packet will be the BGP Payload, marker field is for authentication. max hex int (all f) are used for no auth.
up = BGPUpdate(path_attr=[BGPPathAttr(type_flags=64, type_code=5, attribute=BGPPALocalPref(local_pref=100))], nlri=BGPNLRI_IPv4(prefix=NLRI_PREFIX))      # update packet consist of path attributes and NLRI (Network layer reachability information),  type_code in path attributes is for which type of path attribute it is. [more][3]

packet = base / tcp / hdr / up


src_ipv4_addr = ''  # eth0
dst_ipv4_addr = ''
established_port = 1223
expected_seq_num=1000 # ack
current_seq_num=1500 # seq


###[ IP ]### 
  version   = 4
  ihl       = 5
  tos       = 0x0
  len       = 74
  id        = 1
  flags     = 
  frag      = 0
  ttl       = 255
  proto     = tcp
  chksum    = 0xe09c
  src       =
  dst       =
  \options   \
###[ TCP ]### 
     sport     = 1223
     dport     = bgp
     seq       = 1500
     ack       = 1000
     dataofs   = 5
     reserved  = 0
     flags     = PA
     window    = 8192
     chksum    = 0x102d
     urgptr    = 0
     options   = []
###[ HEADER ]### 
        marker    = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
        len       = 34
        type      = UPDATE
###[ UPDATE ]### 
           withdrawn_routes_len= 0
           path_attr_len= 7
           \path_attr \
            |###[ BGPPathAttr ]### 
            |  type_flags= Transitive
            |  type_code = LOCAL_PREF
            |  attr_len  = 4
            |  \attribute \
            |   |###[ LOCAL_PREF ]### 
            |   |  local_pref= 100
           \nlri      \
            |###[ IPv4 NLRI ]### 
            |  prefix    =
于 2019-07-01T06:19:20.020 回答

只是在这里尝试和帮助。我对 BGP 类型的数据包的经验为零,但是...我将 bgp.py 文件从您提供的链接复制到 scapy/layers 中。使用 ls() 我发现以下内容:

BGPAuthenticationData : BGP Authentication Data
BGPErrorSubcodes : BGP Error Subcodes
BGPHeader  : BGP header
BGPNotification : BGP Notification fields
BGPOpen    : BGP Open Header
BGPOptionalParameter : BGP Optional Parameters
BGPPathAttribute : BGP Attribute fields
BGPUpdate  : BGP Update fields

然后我可以使用说 ls(BGPUpdate) 来显示这一点:

withdrawn_len : ShortField           = (None)
withdrawn  : FieldListField       = ([])
tp_len     : ShortField           = (None)
total_path : PacketListField      = ([])
nlri       : FieldListField       = ([])


pkt = pkt = IP()/TCP()/BGPUpdate()
###[ IP ]###
  version   = 4
  ihl       = None
  tos       = 0x0
  len       = None
  id        = 1
  flags     = 
  frag      = 0
  ttl       = 64
  proto     = tcp
  chksum    = None
  src       =
  dst       =
  \options   \
###[ TCP ]###
     sport     = ftp_data
     dport     = http
     seq       = 0
     ack       = 0
     dataofs   = None
     reserved  = 0
     flags     = S
     window    = 8192
     chksum    = None
     urgptr    = 0
     options   = {}
###[ BGP Update fields ]###
        withdrawn_len= None
        withdrawn = []
        tp_len    = None
        nlri      = []

我不确定所有不同类型的 BGP 层/数据包的用途或社区编号的设置位置。可能在 BGPPathAttribute(type=x) 中。类型 5 是“LOCAL_PREF”,可能对应于社区价值观。试试这个链接。

pkt = BGPPathAttribute(type=5)
###[ BGP Attribute fields ]###
  flags     = Transitive
  type      = LOCAL_PREF
  attr_len  = None
  value     = ''


编辑:忘记了。我还在 scapy/config.py 的 load_layers 部分添加了“bgp”。第 373 行。像这样:

   load_layers =  ["l2", "inet", "dhcp", "dns", "dot11", "gprs", "hsrp", "inet6", "ir", "isakmp", "l2tp",
               "mgcp", "mobileip", "netbios", "netflow", "ntp", "ppp", "radius", "rip", "rtp",
               "sebek", "skinny", "smb", "snmp", "tftp", "x509", "bluetooth", "dhcp6", "llmnr", "sctp", "vrrp",
于 2016-08-23T17:37:00.013 回答