我正在尝试根据特定标准从字符串(评论)中提取一些数字。我想直接提取的数字遵循 24 小时格式的日期,并且始终包含小数位并且小于 20(字符串中还有其他数字,但我对这些不感兴趣)。我已经设法使用下面的 R 代码提取了我想要的数字,但无法将这些数字与它们来自的 ID 相关联。有些 ID 有多个感兴趣的数字,而有些只有一个。例如,我需要某种方法将下面给出的虚拟数据中的 ID 号与每个感兴趣的数字相关联。如您所见,ID 1 包含三个感兴趣的结果(4.1、6.9 和 4.3),而 ID 2 只有 1 个感兴趣的结果(6.5)。
(An example of the format of comment.txt)
ID comments
1 abc1200 4.1 abc1100 6.9 etd1130 4.3 69.0
2 abc0900 6.5 abcde 15
3 3.2 0850 9.5 abc 8.2 0930 12.2 agft 75.0
4 ashdfalsk 0950 10.5 dvvxcvszv asdasd assdas d 75.0
#import text and pull out a list of all numbers contained withtin the free text
raw_text <- read.delim("comment.txt")
numbers_from_text <- gregexpr("[0-9]+.[0-9]", raw_text$comments)
numbers_list <- unlist(regmatches(raw_text$comments, numbers_from_text))
numbers_list <- as.data.frame(numbers_list)
#pull out those numbers that contain an decimal place and create a running count
#if the number does not contain a decimal (a date) then create a new row number which is the addition of the first row
#else return NA
test <- cbind(format,new_row = ifelse(format$dem==0, format$row.number+1, "NA"))
#match the cases where the new_row is equal to the row.number and then output the corresponding numbers_list
match <-test$numbers_list[match(test$new_row,test$row.number)]
#get rid of the NA's for where there wasnt a match and values less than 20 to ensure results are correct
match_NA <- subset(match, match!= "<NA>" & as.numeric(as.character(match))<20)
match_NA <- as.data.frame(match_NA)