我正在尝试从 Python 3.5 运行可执行文件(线性规划求解器 CLP.exe)。
Import subprocess
exeFile = " C:\\MyPath\\CLP.exe"
arg1 = "C:\\Temp\\LpModel.mps"
arg2 = "-max"
arg3 = " -dualSimplex"
arg4 = " -printi all"
arg5 = "-solution t solutionFile.txt"
subprocess.check_output([exeFile, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)
当我在 Eclipse PyDev 中运行 python 文件时,我可以在 Eclipse 控制台中看到结果。
在 Eclipse 控制台中,我得到:
b'Coin LP version 1.16, build Dec 25 2015
command line - C:\\MyPath\\clp.exe C:\\Temp\\LpModel.mps -max -dualSimplex -printi all -solution C:\\Temp\\solution.txt
At line 1 NAME ClpDefau
At line 2 ROWS
At line 5 COLUMNS
At line 8 RHS
At line 10 BOUNDS
At line 13 ENDATA
Problem ClpDefau has 1 rows, 2 columns and 2 elements
Model was imported from C:\\Temp\\LpModel.mps in 0.001 seconds
No match for -max - ? for list of commands
No match for -dualSimplex - ? for list of commands
No match for -printi all - ? for list of commands
No match for -solution C:\\Temp\\solution.txt - ? for list of commands
Presolve 0 (-1) rows, 0 (-2) columns and 0 (-2) elements
Empty problem - 0 rows, 0 columns and 0 elements
Optimal - objective value 4
After Postsolve, objective 4, infeasibilities - dual 0 (0), primal 0 (0)
Optimal objective 4 - 0 iterations time 0.002, Presolve 0.00
当我从命令行在 MS windows shell 中运行命令时:
C:\\MyPath\\clp.exe C:\\Temp\\LpModel.mps -max -dualSimplex -printi all -solution C:\\Temp\\solution.txt
如果我从 Python subprocess 运行命令,为什么没有创建 solition.txt 文件并且没有保存解决方案结果?