如何使用 ngdoc 记录返回“工厂函数”的“角度工厂”?具体来说,我如何记录我的“工厂函数”创建的对象?


angular.module('fooRestClient').factory('page', function () {

   var prototype = {};

  // Below I need to somehow link the methods a page object has to the
  // factory's documentation.

   * @description Fetches the page at the specified index.
   * @param {number} index - the index of the page to fetch
   * @returns {object} a page object representing the page at the given index
   prototype.getPage = function (index) {
      // returns a new page.

   // ... more useful methods.

    * @ngdoc service
    * @type function
    * @name fooRestClient:page
    * @description
    * A factory function for producing page objects....  
    * @param {Number} index - The page index.
    * @param {Number} size - The page size.
    * @param {Number} total - The total number of pages.
    * @param {Array}  data - The contents of the page.
    * @returns {object} A page object for the given resource
    return function page(index, size, total, data) {
        return Object.create(prototype, {
            index: index,
            size: size,
            total: total,
            data: data


我可以在 SO 上找到的最接近的匹配项是:如何记录一个使用 ngdoc 以角度返回类的工厂?. 这无济于事,因为我没有使用“类”名称将方法链接回,因为我没有使用伪经典继承。


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     * @ngdoc service
     * @type function
     * @name fooRestClient:page
     * @description
     * A factory function for producing page objects....
     * @param {Number} index - The page index.
     * @param {Number} size - The page size.
     * @param {Number} total - The total number of pages.
     * @param {Array}  data - The contents of the page.
     * @returns {object} A {@link prototypeInstance|page object} for the given resource

    return function page(index, size, total, data) {
       * @ngdoc object
       * @name prototypeInstance
       * @description page object for the given resource
      return Object.create(prototype, {
         * @ngdoc object
         * @name prototypeInstance#index
         * @description index description
        index: index,
         * @ngdoc object
         * @name prototypeInstance#size
         * @description size description
        size: size,
         * @ngdoc object
         * @name prototypeInstance#total
         * @description total description
        total: total,
         * @ngdoc object
         * @name prototypeInstance#data
         * @description data description
        data: data


于 2016-11-06T14:24:57.980 回答