I’m using MS Query in Excel to execute the following query:
iif(egachid <>'GCAJA0', True, False)
from fgledg
where egcono='1'and egdivi='D30'and egvono=51166554
I have a tabel, fgledg, that contains a column, egchid. For a specific voucher (egvono = 51166554) I get the following rows:
1 D30 2015 51166554 GCAJA0
1 D30 2015 51166554 GCAJA0
1 D30 2015 51166554 GCAJA0
1 D30 2015 51166554 GCAJA0
1 D30 2015 51166554 SEBSHHASP
1 D30 2015 51166554 SEBSHHASP
1 D30 2015 51166554 SEBSHHASP
I would like my query to return True if the column egchid contains other values than GCAJA0 and false if the column only contains the value GCAJA0, but I keep getting error messages no matter how i write the syntax. It seems to accept the iif function at least, but the syntax is incorrect?
I have tried diffrent variations of writing the syntax, but get the following error messages:
IIf(egachid <>'GCAJA0', True, False) Token <> was not valid
IIf(egachid = 'GCAJA0', False, True) Token = was not valid
IIf([egachid] <>'GCAJA0', True, False) Token [ was not valid
IIf([egachid] <>'GCAJA0', 'True', 'False') Token [ was not valid
What am I doing wrong?