我有一个容器类,用于向标准数据类型(如 int、string 等)添加一些属性。这个容器类封装了这样一个(标准类型)对象的对象。然后其他类使用容器类的子类来获取/设置添加的属性。现在我希望子类可以在其封装的对象和自身之间隐式转换,而无需额外的代码。
// Container class that encapsulates strings and adds property ToBeChecked
// and should define the cast operators for sub classes, too.
internal class StringContainer
protected string _str;
public bool ToBeChecked { get; set; }
public static implicit operator StringContainer(string str)
return new StringContainer { _str = str };
public static implicit operator string(StringContainer container)
return (container != null) ? container._str : null;
// An example of many sub classes. Its code should be as short as possible.
internal class SubClass : StringContainer
// I want to avoid following cast operator definition
// public static implicit operator SubClass(string obj)
// {
// return new SubClass() { _str = obj };
// }
// Short code to demosntrate the usings of the implicit casts.
internal class MainClass
private static void Main(string[] args)
SubClass subClass = "test string"; // ERROR: Cannot convert source type 'string' to 'SubClass'
string testString = subClass; // No error
我真正的容器类有两个类型参数,一个用于封装对象的类型(string、int、...),另一个用于子类类型(例如 SubClass)。
SubClass subClass = "test string"; // ERROR: Cannot convert source type 'string' to 'SubClass'