It seems that sbt-android is ignoring the presence of the RenderScript files and is not generating the ScriptC_xxx java classes that are normally generated by gradle builds/Android Studio [UPDATE: this is false, se the update note below]. Because of this issue, the sbt-android build is failing because to use the scripts we need to reference the generated ScriptC_xxx classes, which gives the following error when building:

[error] apackage/YYYClass.java:55: cannot find symbol
[error]   symbol:   class ScriptC_xxx
[error]   location: class apackage.YYYClass
[error]         ScriptC_xxx xxxScript = new ScriptC_xxx(rs);

The generated .sbt file from the existing project (which compiles normally by gradle) has the apparent necessary configuration for RenderScript, generated from the build.gradle file:

rsTargetApi in Android := "18",
rsSupportMode in Android := rsSupportMode.value || true

What I am missing to be able to compile renderscript-containing android projects with sbt-android ?

UPDATE: I realized that the java classes for the scripts are being generated correctly, but somehow the classes that use those generated classes cannot find them, so maybe I have a classpath configuration problem.

This is the current file structure:

./asubmodule/src/main/rs/xxx.rs (using package declaration #pragma rs java_package_name(apackage.scripts))





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sourceGenerators in Compile += Def.task {
  implicit output = outputLayout.value
  val layout = projectLayout.value
  (layout.generatedSrc ** "ScriptC_*.java").get ++ (layout.generatedSrc ** "*BitCode.java").get


更新:这将在sbt-android https://github.com/scala-android/sbt-android/commit/ec09a55233aabd50e7df0085b10c567e38b616d3的下一版本中修复

于 2016-08-05T16:19:39.090 回答