我正在尝试生成一种算法,其中多个代理(蓝色)作为一个团队协同工作,通过在 2D 网格中执行环绕和盘旋战术来捕获速度稍快的敌方代理(红色)。所以我正在尝试制作一个强大的多智能体算法,允许多智能体捕获一个智能且更快的敌方智能体
此外,虽然代码很长,但敌方代理使用的唯一函数是 goToExit(),因此该函数及其调用的任何函数都是唯一相关的。
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from random import randint
import random
import math
keep = False
keepX = 0
keepY = 0
### Variables that we can play with ###
interestPointVisual = False
huntEnemy = True
numOfAgents = 10
enemyTopSpeed = 0.5
topSpeed = 0.3
secondDoor = False
resultVisual = False
#obstacleAvoidance = False
chargeEnemy = True
maxFrame = 2000
agentRadius = 2
phaseCount = 0
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(5, 4.5)
# Declaring the enemy and ally agents
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, 100), ylim=(0, 100))
enemy = plt.Circle((10, -10), 0.95, fc='r')
agent = plt.Circle((10, -10), 0.95, fc='b')
if interestPointVisual:
interestColor = 'y'
interestSize = 0.55
interestColor = 'w'
interestSize = 0.55
#interestSize = 0.000001
midpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
eastpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
northpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
westpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
northeastpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
mideastpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
midwestpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
northwestpoint = plt.Circle((10, -10), interestSize, fc=interestColor)
# Adding the exits
rect_size = 5
x_se_s = 47
x_se = 50
y_se = 0
southExit = plt.Rectangle([x_se_s - rect_size / 2, y_se - rect_size / 2], rect_size + 3, rect_size -2 , facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
x_ne = 50
y_ne = 101
if secondDoor:
northExit = plt.Rectangle([x_ne - rect_size / 2, y_ne - rect_size / 2], rect_size + 3, rect_size -2 , facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
patches_ac = []
if interestPointVisual:
# enemy, north, east, south, west
# 0 represents unoccupied, 1 represent occupied
global occupied_ar
global victory
global agentID
global timeStep
global agentLocationAR
for x in range(0, numOfAgents - 1):
agent_clone = plt.Circle((10, -10), 0.95, fc='b')
agent_clone.center = (random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(1, 100))
# Adding exit patches
if secondDoor:
def victoryCheck(enemy_patch):
global agentLocationAR
ex, ey = enemy_patch.center
rangeVal = 0.8
for i in range(0, numOfAgents-1):
if abs(float(ex-agentLocationAR[i][0])) < rangeVal and abs(float(ey-agentLocationAR[i][1])) < rangeVal:
return True
return False
def enemyWonCheck(enemy_patch):
x,y = enemy_patch.center
if (x > x_se - 4 and x < x_se + 4) and y <= y_se +4:
return True
return False
def borderCheck(x,y):
if x < 0:
x = 0
elif x > 100:
x = 100
if y < 0:
y = 0
elif y > 100:
y = 100
return x, y
def init():
global occupied_ar
global agentLocationAR
global keep
global keepX
global keepY
keep = False
keepX = 0
keepY = 0
#enemy.center = (50, 50)
enemy.center = (random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(40, 100))
agent.center = (random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(1, 100))
occupied_ar = np.zeros([9])
agentLocationAR = np.zeros((numOfAgents,2))
for ac in patches_ac:
ac.center = (random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(1, 100))
return []
def animationManage(i):
global occupied_ar
global agentLocationAR
global victory
global agentID
global timeStep
global phaseCount
global maxFrame
timeStep = i
agentID = 1
followTarget(i, agent, enemy)
agentLocationAR[agentID-1][0], agentLocationAR[agentID-1][1] = agent.center
for ac in patches_ac:
agentID = agentID + 1
followTarget(i, ac, enemy)
agentLocationAR[agentID-1][0], agentLocationAR[agentID-1][1] = ac.center
goToExit(i, enemy, southExit)
# printing tests
if victoryCheck(enemy):
print 'Phase ', phaseCount
print 'Victory!'
phaseCount += 1
elif enemyWonCheck(enemy):
print 'Phase ', phaseCount
print 'Failure!'
elif i >= maxFrame - 1:
print 'Phase ', phaseCount
phaseCount += 1
return []
def goToExit(i, patch, exit_patch):
global agentLocationAR
global keep
global keepX
global keepY
x, y = patch.center
v_x, v_y = velocity_calc_exit(patch, exit_patch)
mid_x, mid_y, rad_x, rad_y = getMidDistance(patch, exit_patch)
rad_size = math.sqrt(rad_x**2 + rad_y**2)
v_ax, v_ay = attractionFieldExit(patch, x_se, y_se)
v_rx, v_ry = repulsiveFieldEnemy(patch, 5)
v_x = v_ax + v_rx
v_y = v_ay + v_ry
if abs(v_rx) > 1:
v_x = v_x/abs(v_x/10)
if abs(v_ry) > 1:
v_y = v_x/abs(v_x/10)
# Nomalize the magnitude
v_x = v_x*enemyTopSpeed*0.03
v_y = v_y*enemyTopSpeed*0.03
if abs(v_x) > 1 or abs(v_y) > 1:
print '-------------'
print 'Att X: ', v_ax
print 'Att Y: ', v_ay
print 'Rep X: ', v_rx
print 'Rep Y: ', v_ry
print 'Total X: ', v_x
print 'Total Y: ', v_y
# x position
x += v_x*enemyTopSpeed
# y position
y += v_y*enemyTopSpeed
x,y = borderCheck(x,y)
patch.center = (x, y)
return patch,
def dispersalCalc(user_patch):
global agentLocationAR # we need location of agents
for i in range(0,numOfAgents-1):
if(checkSemiRadius(user_patch, agentRadius)):
return True
return False
def attractionFieldExit(user_patch, attr_x, attr_y):
x,y = user_patch.center
netX = (x - attr_x)
netY = (y - attr_y)
# To prevent slow down when enemy is close to exit
if x - attr_x > 20 or y - attr_y > 20:
if x - attr_x > 20:
netX = (x - attr_x)
if x - attr_x == 0:
netX = 0
netX = 5*((x - attr_x)/abs((x - attr_x)))
if y - attr_y > 30:
netY = (y - attr_y)
if y -attr_y == 0:
netY = 0
netY = 50*((y - attr_y)/abs((y - attr_y)))
#print 'something y ', netY
return -netX, -netY
def repulsiveFieldEnemy(user_patch, repulseRadius):
# repulsive field that will be used by the enemy agent
global agentLocationAR
x,y = user_patch.center
totalRepX = 0
totalRepY = 0
scaleConstant = 1**38
for i in range(0, numOfAgents-1):
repX = 0
repY = 0
avoidX = agentLocationAR[i][0]
avoidY = agentLocationAR[i][1]
# To check if one of the agents to avoid are in range
#print getDistanceScalar(x, y, avoidX, avoidY)
if getDistanceScalar(x, y, avoidX, avoidY) <= repulseRadius:
#print 'Enemy agent detected'
netX = int(x - avoidX)
netY = int(y - avoidY)
# To deal with division by zero and normaize magnitude of repX and repY
if netX == 0:
netX = 0.2*((x - avoidX)/abs(x - avoidX))
if netY == 0:
netY = 0.2*((x - avoidX)/abs(x - avoidX))
repX = ((1/abs(netX)) - (1/repulseRadius))*(netX/(abs(netX)**3))
repY = ((1/abs(netY)) - (1/repulseRadius))*(netY/(abs(netY)**3))
totalRepX = totalRepX + repX
totalRepY = totalRepY + repY
totalRepX = totalRepX/scaleConstant
totalRepY = totalRepY/scaleConstant
return -totalRepX, -totalRepY
def followTarget(i, patch, enemy_patch):
x, y = patch.center
# Will try to follow enemy
#v_x, v_y = velocity_calc(patch, enemy_patch)
# Will follow midpoint of enemy & exit
v_x, v_y = velocity_calc_mid(patch, enemy_patch)
#print 'Here:'
#print interest_ar
# x position
x += v_x
# y position
y += v_y
patch.center = (x, y)
return patches_ac
def getInterestPoints(enemy_patch, exit_patch):
# Calculate interest points to attract agents
x, y = enemy_patch.center
# Calculate enemy-to-exit midpoint
mid_x, mid_y, rad_x, rad_y = getMidDistance(enemy_patch, exit_patch)
interest_ar = np.array([[x,y],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]])
interest_ar[1][0] = x - rad_x
interest_ar[1][1] = y - rad_y
interest_ar[3][0] = x - rad_y
interest_ar[3][1] = y + rad_x
#south (basically the midpoint)
interest_ar[5][0] = x + rad_x
interest_ar[5][1] = y + rad_y
interest_ar[7][0] = x + rad_y
interest_ar[7][1] = y - rad_x
# northeast
interest_ar[2][0] = (interest_ar[1][0] + interest_ar[3][0])/2
interest_ar[2][1] = (interest_ar[1][1] + interest_ar[3][1])/2
interest_ar[4][0] = (interest_ar[3][0] + interest_ar[5][0])/2
interest_ar[4][1] = (interest_ar[3][1] + interest_ar[5][1])/2
interest_ar[6][0] = (interest_ar[5][0] + interest_ar[7][0])/2
interest_ar[6][1] = (interest_ar[5][1] + interest_ar[7][1])/2
interest_ar[8][0] = (interest_ar[7][0] + interest_ar[1][0])/2
interest_ar[8][1] = (interest_ar[7][1] + interest_ar[1][1])/2
# Setting up visuals
northpoint.center = (interest_ar[1][0], interest_ar[1][1])
eastpoint.center = (interest_ar[3][0], interest_ar[3][1])
midpoint.center = (interest_ar[5][0], interest_ar[5][1])
westpoint.center = (interest_ar[7][0], interest_ar[7][1])
mideastpoint.center = (interest_ar[2][0], interest_ar[2][1])
midwestpoint.center = (interest_ar[4][0], interest_ar[4][1])
northeastpoint.center = (interest_ar[6][0], interest_ar[6][1])
northwestpoint.center = (interest_ar[8][0], interest_ar[8][1])
return interest_ar
def findClosestInterest(agent_patch, in_ar):
# For some reason, north never gets occupied
# north east is (north/2) + (south/2)
global occupied_ar
global victory
global agentID
global timeStep
global huntEnemy
victory = False
index = -1
smallDis = 999999
tempAr = np.zeros([9])
if huntEnemy:
minDis = 0
minDis = 1
# To check agent's distance of all interest points
for i in range(minDis,9):
dis = abs(int(getDistance(agent_patch, in_ar, i)))
# Add heavy weights to charge at enemy
if chargeEnemy:
if i == 0:
dis = dis*0.5
if occupied_ar[i] != 0:
# we must write a condition so that agent knows it is the
# one that is occupying it
dis = dis*5
# Add heavy weights to avoid the back
if i == 1 or i == 8 or i == 2:
if i == 1:
dis = dis*3
elif i == 2 or i == 8:
dis = dis*4
tempAr[i] = dis
# When we discover unoccupied shorter distance, replace index
if dis < smallDis:
# index is agent_patch.center[0] < 47 and agent_patch.center[0] > 53the index of interest_array of the closest interest point
smallDis = dis
index = i
# If the smallest distance is less than 10, we are currently engaged
if smallDis < 0.5:
# We are near or at the targeted interest point,
# now we should update array as occupied
occupied_ar[index] = agentID
if occupied_ar[0] != 0:
victory = True
#print 'engaged index ', index
# Else we are still far away from the index
if occupied_ar[index] == agentID:
occupied_ar[index] = 0
#print 'lost track of index ', index
#print 'far away from index ', index
return index
def getBypassInterestPoints(user_patch,avoidX, avoidY, exit_x, exit_y):
# Mainly used by the enemy agent
# User agent will find a point around the blocking agent that is closest to
# the exit.
x,y = user_patch.center
rad_range = 20
tempX = x - avoidX
tempY = y - avoidY
diffR = math.sqrt(tempX**2 + tempY**2)
# Calculating our target x and y length
radX = (rad_range*tempX)/diffR
radY = (rad_range*tempY)/diffR
# Now we calculate the main interest points
# Since we are calculating perpendicular points, we reverse the X and Y
# in the pt calculation process
pt1X = avoidX + radY
pt1Y = avoidY - radX
pt2X = avoidX - radY
pt2Y = avoidY + radX
# Then we must determine which interest point is closer to the exit
pt1Dis = int(getDistanceScalar(pt1X, pt1Y,exit_x, exit_y))
pt2Dis = int(getDistanceScalar(pt2X, pt2Y,exit_x, exit_y))
# If point 1 is closer to the exit than point 2
if(int(pt1Dis) <= int(pt2Dis)):
print int(pt1X)
return pt1X, pt1Y
print int(pt2X)
return int(pt2X), int(pt2Y)
def getDistanceScalar(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
def getDistance(agent_patch, in_ar, index):
x_a, y_a = agent_patch.center
x_t = in_ar[index][0]
y_t = in_ar[index][1]
# get distance between two particles
ans = math.sqrt((x_t - x_a)**2 + (y_t - y_a)**2)
if math.isnan(ans):
print 'x_a: ',x_a
print 'y_a: ',y_a
print 'x_t: ',x_t
print 'y_t: ',y_t
return math.sqrt((x_t - x_a)**2 + (y_t - y_a)**2)
def getMidDistance(enemy_patch, exit_patch):
# Get midpoint between enemy agent and exit
x, y = enemy_patch.center
x_e = x_se
y_e = y_se
# Get midpoint values
mid_x = (x + x_e)/2
mid_y = (y + y_e)/2
# Get radius values
rad_x = mid_x - x
rad_y = mid_y - y
# Returns (midpoint x and y) values and (radius x and y) values
return mid_x, mid_y, rad_x, rad_y
def top_speed_regulate(curr_speed, top_speed):
if curr_speed > top_speed:
return top_speed
elif curr_speed < -top_speed:
return -top_speed
return curr_speed
def velocityCalcScalar(x1, y1, x2, y2):
veloX = top_speed_regulate( (x2 - x1) ,enemyTopSpeed)
veloY = top_speed_regulate( (y2 - y1) ,enemyTopSpeed)
return veloX, veloY
# Calculate velocity to rush to exit
def velocity_calc_exit(agent_patch, exit_patch):
x, y = agent_patch.center
#x_e, y_e = exit_patch.center
x_e = x_se
y_e = y_se
velo_vect = np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype='f')
dis_limit_thresh = 1
velo_vect[0] = top_speed_regulate( (x_e - x)* dis_limit_thresh ,enemyTopSpeed)
velo_vect[1] = top_speed_regulate( (y_e - y)* dis_limit_thresh ,enemyTopSpeed)
return velo_vect[0], velo_vect[1]
# Calculate velocity to chase down enemy
def velocity_calc(agent_patch, enemy_patch):
x, y = agent_patch.center
x_e, y_e = enemy_patch.center
velo_vect = np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype='f')
dis_limit_thresh = 1
velo_vect[0] = top_speed_regulate( (x_e - x)* dis_limit_thresh ,topSpeed)
velo_vect[1] = top_speed_regulate( (y_e - y)* dis_limit_thresh ,topSpeed)
return velo_vect[0], velo_vect[1]
# Calculate velocity to arrive at midpoint between enemy and exit
def velocity_calc_mid(agent_patch, enemy_patch):
x, y = agent_patch.center
x_e, y_e, _, _ = getMidDistance(enemy_patch, southExit)
# We get location of interest points as well as animate the interest points
interest_ar = getInterestPoints(enemy_patch, southExit)
interest_index = findClosestInterest(agent_patch, interest_ar)
x_e = interest_ar[interest_index][0]
y_e = interest_ar[interest_index][1]
velo_vect = np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype='f')
dis_limit_thresh = 1
topSpeed = 0.3
velo_vect[0] = top_speed_regulate( (x_e - x)* dis_limit_thresh , topSpeed)
velo_vect[1] = top_speed_regulate( (y_e - y)* dis_limit_thresh , topSpeed)
if dispersalCalc(agent_patch):
velo_vect[0] = 0
velo_vect[1] = 0
return velo_vect[0], velo_vect[1]
def checkRadius(user_patch, r):
global agentLocationAR
r = 1
for i in range(0,numOfAgents-1):
x = int(agentLocationAR[i][0])
y = int(agentLocationAR[i][1])
if(inRadius(user_patch, x, y, r)):
# if an agent is in the user's radius
#print 'Nearby agent detected'
return True
return False
def checkSemiRadius(user_patch, r):
global agentLocationAR
r = 0.001
for i in range(0,numOfAgents-1):
x = int(agentLocationAR[i][0])
y = int(agentLocationAR[i][1])
if(inSemiRadius(user_patch, x, y, r)):
# if an agent is in the user's radius
#print 'Nearby agent detected'
return True
return False
def inRadius(self_patch, pointX, pointY, r):
# Helps determine if there is something near the using agent
x, y = self_patch.center # agent emitting the radius
# agent we are trying to avoid
h = pointX
k = pointY
# Equation of circle
# (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 <= r^2
tempX = (x - h)**2
tempY = (y - k)**2
r_2 = r**2
if tempX + tempY <= r_2:
# It is within the radius
return True
return False
def inSemiRadius(self_patch, pointX, pointY, r):
# Helps determine if there is something near the using agent
h, k = self_patch.center # agent emitting the radius
# agent we are trying to avoid
x = pointX
y = pointY
# Equation of semicircle
tempTerm = r**2 - (x-h)**2
if tempTerm < 0:
# if this term is negative, that means agent to avoid is out of range
return False
tempEq = k - math.sqrt(tempTerm)
if y <= tempEq:
# It is within the radius
return True
return False
def animateCos(i, patch):
x, y = patch.center
x += 0.1
y = 50 + 30 * np.cos(np.radians(i))
patch.center = (x, y)
return patch,
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animationManage,