
这是带有 alpha 蒙版的图块表:爆炸

现在,我想对这些进行 blit,并让它们保持其 alpha 透明度到我可以渲染的表面上。


SDL_Surface* SpriteManager::buildExplosion(int id, SDL_Surface* image, int size)
    // Create the surface that will hold the explosion image
    SDL_Surface* explosion = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, size * 32 , size * 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 255 );

    // Our source and destination surfaces
    SDL_Rect srcrect;
    SDL_Rect dstrect;

    int parentX = sprites[id].x;
    int parentY = sprites[id].y;
    int middle = size / 2;

    // Create the first image
    srcrect.x = sprites[id].imgBlockX * 32; // default for now
    srcrect.y = sprites[id].imgBlockY * 32; // default for now
    srcrect.w = 32;
    srcrect.h = 32;

    // Get the location it should be applied to
    dstrect.x = middle * 32;
    dstrect.y = middle * 32;
    dstrect.w = 32;
    dstrect.h = 32;

    // Apply the texture
    SDL_BlitSurface(image, &srcrect, explosion, &dstrect);

    errorLog.writeError("Applying surface from x: %i y: %i to x: %i y:%i", srcrect.x, srcrect.y, dstrect.x, dstrect.y);

    // Iterate through each explosion
    for(int i = 0; i < sprites[id].children.size(); i++)
        // Get the texture source
        srcrect.x = 0;  // default for now
        srcrect.y = 0;  // default for now
        srcrect.w = 32;
        srcrect.h = 32;

        // Get the location it should be applied to
        dstrect.x = sprites[id].children[i].x - parentX * 32;
        dstrect.y = sprites[id].children[i].y - parentY * 32;
        dstrect.w = 32;
        dstrect.h = 32;

        // Apply the texture
        SDL_BlitSurface(image, &srcrect, explosion, &dstrect);

    //return img;
    return explosion;


SDL_Surface* explosion = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, size * 32 , size * 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 255 );

名为 image 的 SDL_Surface 是我在上面链接的图像,只是为了说明这一点。如果有人看到我的方式的错误,非常感谢!




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