我正在使用 peer.js 并试图将所有传入连接存储在一个数组中。
应用背景:电脑作为主控台。电话使用控制台对等 ID 连接到控制台,并将其对等 ID 发送给控制台。控制台然后读取每个对等 id 并与之创建数据连接
//establish a connection
//data.pid is the peer id of the phone
connections[current_player] = peer.connect(data.pid);
setTimeout(function() {
function sendPhonePlayerDetails(connection)
console.log(connection) //prints undefined;
player_num = Object.size(players); //get the player number
player_name = players["p" + player_num][1] //get the players name
//send data to the phone
setTimeout(function() {
send_data({player_number: player_num, player_name: player_name }, connection);
//if not player 1 notify them who is the leader
if(player_num > 1){
setTimeout(function() {
send_data({controlling: players["p1"][1] }, connection);
function send_data(data, connection)
if (!connection) return;
connection.send(data); //send the data to the phone