
然而,随着关卡和游戏玩法变得更加复杂,我希望利用 AppleGameplayKit的功能来改进游戏“思考”的逻辑和易用性以及它的运行效率。

然而,我面临的问题是我似乎根本无法让我的agentWillUpdate:(GKAgent *)agentagentDidUpdate:(GKAgent *)agent委托的方法运行。我对我的角色的移动控制没有任何问题,我对如何GKAgent控制敌人的移动也没有任何问题,但我无法让这些方法开火。


#import "OEnemy.h"
@import SpriteKit;
@import GameplayKit;

@interface OLevel : SKScene <SKPhysicsContactDelegate>

// A component system to manage per-frame updates for all agents
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) GKComponentSystem *agentSystem;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) OEnemy *testEnemy;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) GKAgent2D *characterAgent;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) GKAgent2D *enemyAgent;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) GKGoal *seekGoal;

这是我设置SKScene OLevel.m的方式:

- (void)initSceneWithLevel:(NSInteger)level andChapter:(NSInteger)chapter {

    currentLevel = level;
    currentChapter = chapter;

    [self setUpScene];
    [self setUpCharacter];
    [self setUpEnemyWithLocation:[enemyArray firstObject]];

- (void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {

    // Set up the agent system
    self.agentSystem = [[GKComponentSystem alloc] initWithComponentClass:[GKAgent2D class]];

    self.characterAgent = [[GKAgent2D alloc] init];
    self.characterAgent.position = (vector_float2){character.position.x, character.position.y};

    [self.agentSystem addComponent:self.testEnemy.agent];
    self.seekGoal = [GKGoal goalToSeekAgent:self.characterAgent];

    [self.testEnemy.agent.behavior setWeight:1 forGoal:self.seekGoal];

    /* >>> More of scene setup below - not relevant to GameplayKit issues <<< */

注意当我将我的敌人添加到场景中时,我将 分配给self.testEnemy我创建的敌人:

- (void)setUpEnemyWithLocation:(NSString *)location {
    OEnemy *enemy = [OEnemy node];
    [enemy createEnemyWithLocation:location];
    [chapterScene addChild:enemy];

    // Add enemy to enemyArray
    [enemyArray addObject:enemy];

    self.testEnemy = enemy;
    self.testEnemy.agent = [[GKAgent2D alloc] init];
    self.testEnemy.agent.behavior = [[GKBehavior alloc] init];



@import SpriteKit;
@import GameplayKit;

@interface OEnemy : SKNode <GKAgentDelegate>

@property (readwrite) GKAgent2D *agent;

这是我的SKNode OEnemy.m

#import "OEnemy.h"
#import "SSOC.h"

@interface OEnemy () {

    SKSpriteNode *enemy;    


@implementation OEnemy

- (id)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        // Initialization done here
        NSLog(@"Enemy is in the scene");

        // An agent to manage the movement of this node in a scene.
        _agent = [[GKAgent2D alloc] init];
        _agent.radius = 40;
        _agent.position = (vector_float2){self.position.x, self.position.y};
        _agent.delegate = self;
        _agent.maxSpeed = 100;
        _agent.maxAcceleration = 50;

    return self;

/* Methods that are independent of GameplayKit 

#pragma mark - GameplayKit Delegate
- (void)agentWillUpdate:(nonnull GKAgent *)agent {
    NSLog(@"will update");

- (void)agentDidUpdate:(nonnull GKAgent2D *)agent {
    self.position = CGPointMake(agent.position.x, agent.position.y);
    NSLog(@"did update");



• 我需要我OLevel的,它GKComponentSystem *agentSystem只是简单地初始化,将其添加enemyAgent为一个组件,为它分配一个应该做什么的行为,然后更新连接到该代理的节点的移动。


仅供参考,我已经关注了 Apple 的 AgentsCatalog iOS(目标 C)示例项目,了解它们如何GameplayKit用于寻找、徘徊、植绒等,但我无法在我的 sprite 项目中重现它们的功能。


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