我正在使用Hamcrest 1.2库编写一些匹配器,但我很难使用 Java 通配符。当我尝试编译以下代码时
public class GenericsTest {
public void doesNotCompile() {
Container<String> container = new Container<String>();
// this is the desired assertion syntax
assertThat(container, hasSomethingWhich(is("foo")));
// these two are a custom made class and matcher; they can be changed
public static class Container<T> {
public boolean hasSomethingMatching(Matcher<T> matcher) {
T something = null; // here is some application logic
return matcher.matches(something);
public static <T> Matcher<Container<T>> hasSomethingWhich(final Matcher<T> matcher) {
return new TypeSafeMatcher<Container<T>>() {
protected boolean matchesSafely(Container<T> container) {
return container.hasSomethingMatching(matcher);
// the following signatures are from the Hamcrest 1.2 library; they cannot be changed
public static <T> void assertThat(T actual, Matcher<? super T> matcher) {
public static <T> Matcher<? super T> is(T value) {
return null;
public interface Matcher<T> {
boolean matches(Object item);
public static abstract class TypeSafeMatcher<T> implements Matcher<T> {
public final boolean matches(Object item) {
return matchesSafely((T) item);
protected abstract boolean matchesSafely(T item);
$ javac GenericsTest.java
GenericsTest.java:7: <T>assertThat(T,GenericsTest.Matcher<? super T>) in GenericsTest cannot be applied to (GenericsTest
.Container<java.lang.String>,GenericsTest.Matcher<GenericsTest.Container<capture#928 of ? super java.lang.String>>)
assertThat(container, hasSomethingWhich(is("foo")));
1 error
如何修改代码以便编译?我在 Container 类和 hasSomethingWhich 方法的签名中尝试了不同的组合? super
,? extends
也欢迎创建简洁易读的断言语法的替代方法。不管是什么语法,它都应该接受一个 Container 和一个 Matcher 作为参数来匹配 Container 内的元素。