我正在使用以下代码从 Entrez ID 中检索基因符号:
ensembl <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", host = "www.ensembl.org")
g <- getBM(c("hgnc_symbol"), filters = "entrezgene", c(entrez), ensembl)
Error in value[[3L]](cond): Request to BioMart web service failed. Verify if you are still connected to the internet. Alternatively the BioMart web service is temporarily down.
1. getBM(c("hgnc_symbol"), filters = "entrezgene", c(entrez), ensembl)
2. tryCatch(postForm(paste(martHost(mart), "?", sep = ""), query = xmlQuery),
. error = function(e) {
. stop("Request to BioMart web service failed. Verify if you are still connected to the internet. Alternatively the BioMart web service is temporarily down.")
. })
3. tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
4. tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
5. value[[3L]](cond)
6. stop("Request to BioMart web service failed. Verify if you are still connected to the internet. Alternatively the BioMart web service is temporarily down.")