I'm following the "Installing CKAN from source" guide. And in the step to start the jetty service: sudo service jetty start. But it doesn't work, it prints "Failed to start jetty.service: Unit jetty.service not found".

Now, if instead that command, I use: sudo /etc/init.d/jetty8 start, the server starts correctly.

So, my guess (not totally sure) is that the jetty.home is not set properly.

For what it's worth, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, running in virtualbox.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

P.S: If additional information is needed, please let me know.


2 回答 2


对于 Ubuntu 16,sudo systemctl unmask jetty8然后运行sudo service jetty8 start

于 2016-08-11T18:17:51.510 回答

如果sudo /etc/init.d/jetty8 start有效,那么您应该可以使用

sudo service jetty8 start


于 2016-07-04T09:42:59.190 回答