我必须在 Firebase“安全和规则”中添加一组规则,但在新版本中找不到。规则如下。我指的是本手册将这些规则添加到 Firebase 中的“安全和规则”中。我需要一些指南来添加这些规则:
"rules": {
"users": {
"$uid": {
// grants write access to the owner of this user account whose uid must exactly match the key ($uid)
".write": "auth !== null && auth.uid === $uid",
// grants read access to any user who is logged in --&& auth.provider === 'password'
".read": "auth !== null"
"usernames": {
"$userName": {
// grants write access to the owner of this user account whose uid must exactly match the key ($uid)
".write": "root.child('usernames').child($userName).child('uid').val() == auth.uid || root.child('usernames').child($userName).child('uid').val() == null",
// grants read access to any user who is logged in --&& auth.provider === 'password'
".read": "auth !== null"
"following": {
"$uid": {
// grants write access to the owner of this user account whose uid must exactly match the key ($uid)
".write": "auth !== null && auth.uid === $uid",
// grants read access to any user who is logged in --&& auth.provider === 'password'
".read": "auth !== null"
"followedBy": {
"$fid": {
"$uid": {
// grants write access to the owner of this user account whose uid must exactly match the key ($uid)
".write": "auth !== null && auth.uid === $uid",
// grants read access to any user who is logged in --&& auth.provider === 'password'
".read": "auth !== null"