I have an Access 2003 application that I would like to create reports for using stored procedures via pass-through queries. Everything works fine with one exception. When I specify the stored procedure to use for the pass-through query I have to choose a DSN to provide the database connection info. I need to be able to change the connection info for the stored procedure used in the pass-through query via code. This is so I can switch to development, production, testing environments from within the application.

Currently all of my data access (additions, updates, edits) uses ADO and I build the connection strings via VBA code. I am unsure how how to change the connection info of the pass-through queries via code. Any thoughts? Thank you.


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查看传递查询的 Connect 属性。您可以使用 VBA 更改连接。此过程在 prod 和 dev 数据库连接之间切换。

Public Sub SwitchPassThroughConnection(ByVal pQuery As String, ByVal pTarget As String)
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
    Dim strConnect As String
    Dim blnError As Boolean

    Set db = CurrentDb()

    Select Case pTarget
    Case "dev"
        strConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};DATABASE=dev;SERVER=cmpq;" & _
            "PORT=5432;UID=hans;PWD=changeme;CA=d;A6=;A7=100;A8=4096;" & _
    Case "prod"
        strConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};DATABASE=prod;SERVER=cmpq;" & _
            "PORT=5432;UID=hans;PWD=changeme;CA=d;A6=;A7=100;A8=4096;" & _
    Case Else
        blnError = True
        MsgBox "Unrecognized target."
    End Select

    If Not blnError Then
        Set qdef = db.QueryDefs(pQuery)
        qdef.Connect = strConnect
    End If
    Set qdef = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub
于 2010-09-28T05:17:11.963 回答