在将 JDeveloper 中的移动应用程序框架 (MAF)应用程序部署到 iOS 刺激器时,我遇到了问题。


[11:25:18 AM] ----  Deployment started.  ----
[11:25:18 AM] Target platform is  (iOS).
[11:25:18 AM] Beginning deployment of MAF application 'ISSCMobile15.0' to iOS using profile 'iOS1'.
[11:25:18 AM] Checking to detect whether a partial deployment can be done.
[11:25:18 AM] The referenced iOS simulator, "FirstAvailable" is not available.
[11:25:18 AM] Detected: Full deployment is needed
[11:25:18 AM] Capturing initial file state of the MAF application.
[11:25:19 AM] Verifying this is a MAF application...
[11:25:19 AM] Verifying existence of the .adf source directory of the MAF application...
[11:25:19 AM] Verifying Application Controller project exists...
[11:25:19 AM] Verifying application dependencies...
[11:25:19 AM] Deployment cancelled.
[11:25:19 AM] Deployment cancelled.
[11:25:19 AM] ----  Deployment incomplete  ----.
[11:25:19 AM] Failed deployment to iOS simulator. Encountered exception: An error occurred while trying to determine if Xcode is installed..
[11:25:19 AM] An error occurred while trying to determine if Xcode is installed.
[11:25:19 AM] Cannot run program "/Users/msm/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/oracle.maf/iOS/maf-helper": error=13, Permission denied
[11:25:19 AM] error=13, Permission denied


  1. 转到 JDeveloper>Application>Deploy>New Deployment Profile…
  2. 选择“MAF for iOS”并单击确定。
  3. 选择最低 iOS 版本和模拟器,然后单击确定。

问题是安装了 Xcode 后,我无法获得要选择的模拟器列表。请查看此屏幕截图,了解“部署配置文件”对话框中显示的选项。

我已经为 JDeveloper 正确安装了 MAF 扩展,并且我正在使用以下软件:
OS X El Capitan 版本 10.11.5
Oracle Jdeveloper 版本
Xcode 版本 7.3.1

请帮我将应用程序部署到 iOS 模拟器。


2 回答 2


请添加依赖。按照步骤。选择ViewController项目属性。然后选择依赖项。点击“+”按钮,在其他选项Build Output下选择“”ApplicationController是检查安装的xcode版本是否正确。

于 2016-06-21T13:09:49.143 回答

嘿,Xcode 有问题,它似乎没有激活。所以我在终端中运行了一个命令“ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app ”,模拟器列表被获取,并且能够使用 iPhone9.3 设置部署配置文件并且应用程序被部署。感谢阿南德·拉吉的帮助。

于 2016-06-23T11:48:41.577 回答