I'm having a hard time configuring my audiences in the Firebase console based on the custom event parameters I'm passing in my custom "test_event".

Below is the structure of a "test_event" as seen in Google BigQuery JSON table -

    "name": "test_event",
    "params": [
        "key": "aoi_name",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "update_button",
          "int_value": null,
          "float_value": null,
          "double_value": null
        "key": "firebase_event_origin",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "app",
          "int_value": null,
          "float_value": null,
          "double_value": null
        "key": "screen_name",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "main_activity",
          "int_value": null,
          "float_value": null,
          "double_value": null
      } ]

What I want to observe is an audience clicking on "update_button" on the "main_activity" screen. Based on events of similar kind, I want to create Funnels for observing my user flows.

The problem is whenever I create an Audience -

enter image description here

It shows me no activity and number of users is always 0. Is this not the correct way to achieve the funnels I want?


1 回答 1




此外,还可能导致您认为跟踪不起作用的原因是受众用户数仅在超过 10 个用户时才显示(出于隐私原因):

此受众群体中触发事件的用户数。由于隐私限制,我们不会为少于 10 个用户的受众显示数据。



于 2016-06-21T23:29:22.327 回答