I already have installed openCV 3.1.0, and though some people have said otherwise, ArUco was not included in that.
I've been trying to install ArUco for my laptop (OSX 10.11.5), and I've downloaded the latest version of ArUco from the website, v2.0.7 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/aruco/files/).
I've unzipped it, created a directory build inside, and ran cmake ..
from the build directory. My output looks like this:
-- Try OpenMP C flag = [-fopenmp=libomp]
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED - Failed
-- Try OpenMP C flag = [ ]
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED - Failed
and has more tests for OpenMP and more failures.
At the end, it says
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS)-- OpenCV_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/share/OpenCV/3rdparty/lib
How should I fix this? I have Xcode installed, and according to other questions/answers Xcode should come with OpenGL and GLUT.