I've implemented Scrollify in a page I'm building - but it's allowing little micromovements between the slides instead of snapping properly. I'm almost certain the DIV's are being calculated correctly, and understand that it's more designed to work with Sections, but I don't think that's what is happening here.

Secondary to this, the scrolling is unpredictable on iOS - sometimes it refuses to budge.

I'm hoping this is just a small error in my code - but I sure as hell can't find it!

I'm trying to avoid using CSS snap points as I had way more issues with them - this is almost perfect.


1 回答 1


第一步是解决您的身份问题。如果您查看控制台,Scrollify 会向您发出有关使用与您的哈希值匹配的 ID 的警告。这将调用浏览器的本地锚定,因此会干扰 Scrollify 的捕捉行为。

于 2016-06-12T20:06:52.290 回答