我需要一个产品来模拟网络延迟以测试移动应用程序(特别是 iphone 和 android)。我计划设置一个连接到 linux 盒子的 wifi 路由器,并编写一些脚本来估计不同类型的连接问题。
到目前为止,我已经粗略地看了一下Netem和ns-2(或其后代 ns-3)。Netem 看起来很容易部署和配置,但它们看起来都需要一些深入的调查。
If anyone comes here looking for tips, I've found a solution that seems to work well.
Ubuntu comes with Netem installed, so I went ahead and just made use of that. Basically, I got a computer with two ethernet ports, forwarded one to the other and applied Netem latency settings to the connection. Then I attached a wireless router to one, and LAN to the other. Netem lets me play with all kinds of latency and packet loss settings.
Btw, I also tried to use a few different laptops and set the internal wireless card up as an ad-hoc wireless router. I got it working for the most part, but finding a laptop with an internal wireless card that plays nice with ad-hoc in Linux is tricky at best... can't recommend it.