我在 Windows Vista 上使用 windbg 6.12.0002.633 X86 来分析内存转储中的内存泄漏。我正在尝试使用命令 ``dumpheap -stat to determine the quantities of objects in the heap.
Unfortunately, I'm getting the error
*** 错误:找不到符号文件。默认为 SLC.dll 导出符号. I have activated
!sym 嘈杂to show where the error comes from and the file SLC.pdb is just not available on the symbol server.
I have googled the file but haven't found such a downloadable file.
The last line in the log output says:
无法解决“mheap -stat”处的错误。我无法继续调试,因为我永久收到此错误。
有谁知道我在哪里可以获得 SLC.pdb 文件或解决此问题的其他方法?