Another stab at it, though I'd probably optimize the ReDim Preserve
s, doing them in chunks:
Option Explicit
Private Function SplitN( _
ByRef Source As String, _
ByVal Delim As String, _
ByVal N As Long) As String()
'Delim can be multi-character.
'Always returns at least 1-element result,
'even if Source = "".
Dim SearchPos As Long
Dim PartPos As Long
Dim DelimPos As Long
Dim Parts() As String
Dim DelimCount As Long
Dim PartsCount As Long
SearchPos = 1
PartPos = SearchPos
DelimPos = InStr(SearchPos, Source, Delim)
If DelimPos > 0 Then
DelimCount = DelimCount + 1
If DelimCount = N Then
DelimCount = 0
ReDim Preserve Parts(PartsCount)
Parts(PartsCount) = _
Mid$(Source, PartPos, DelimPos - PartPos)
PartsCount = PartsCount + 1
PartPos = DelimPos + Len(Delim)
End If
SearchPos = DelimPos + Len(Delim)
End If
Loop While DelimPos > 0
ReDim Preserve Parts(PartsCount)
Parts(PartsCount) = Mid$(Source, PartPos)
SplitN = Parts
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim S As String
Dim Parts() As String
Dim P As Long
S = "hello hello hello hello hello hello hello " _
& "hi hi hi hi hi hi hi " _
& "hey hey hey hey hey hey hey"
Text1.SelStart = 0
Text1.SelText = S & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Parts = SplitN(S, " ", 7)
Text1.SelText = "Ubound() = " & UBound(Parts) & vbNewLine
For P = 0 To UBound(Parts)
Text1.SelText = Parts(P) & vbNewLine
End Sub