什么是 angular2-way-of-creating-global-keyboard-shortcuts
只有我对将快捷方式绑定到特定元素(或容器,如果你愿意)感兴趣。快捷方式应该只在用户焦点位于元素或他的一个子元素中时起作用,并且当元素从 dom 中删除时,绑定自然应该随之删除。
* Created by Ziv on 5/23/2016.
import {Injectable} from "angular2/core";
export class KeyBoardService {
public registerKeyStrokeForElemet(
strKeyStroke: string,
fnCallBack: () => void,
fnIsButtonAvailable: () => boolean,
element: any,
bShouldEffectOnlyInContainer: boolean,
functionThisContext: any): void {
// Adding tab index property to the container so the events will be raised only when
// the container is focused
jQuery(element).prop("tabindex", 1);
jQuery(element).css("outline", "none");
'keystrokes', {
keys: [strKeyStroke]
}, (e) => {
// Checking if this event should only happen when the div container is focused
if (!bShouldEffectOnlyInContainer || jQuery(e.target).is("div")) {
if (typeof fnIsButtonAvailable !== "function" || fnIsButtonAvailable.apply(functionThisContext, event)) {
// If the event should effect all the elements inside the container too,
// there is a special case when events in jquery keystroke library ignored text inputs.
// the solution offered by the libraray author is to assign thoose events to them inputs
// explicitly, which is what were gonna do next
if (!bShouldEffectOnlyInContainer)
"textarea, :text"
keys: [strKeyStroke]
(e) => {
if (typeof fnIsButtonAvailable === "function" || fnIsButtonAvailable.apply(functionThisContext, event)) {
它依赖于使用 jquery-keystrokes jquery keystrokes 这有点旧,通常我发现在 angular 2 应用程序中使用太多 jquery 很脏,所以我正在寻找“角度方式”来实现这一点