Hi I am new to jhipster. I could get the default project working fine and it is very good. What I want to change is the default bootstrap theme.
I have already tried

bower install flat-admin-bootstrap-templates --save

but somehow it does not change anything.

I tried bootswatch as well, but I am not sure how to keep one theme always selected by default. I am sure i can do this by changing code. But i am sure there is another easier way.

Could someone throw some light. How do i change the default theme?


2 回答 2


从 JHipster 6 开始,Bootswatch 主题选择包含在生成新项目时的问题中:'Would you like to use a Bootswatch theme ( https://bootswatch.com/ )?

对于旧版本,请尝试JHipster 模块市场中可用的主题之一。

您还可以阅读有关 bootswatch 的提示,该提示对JHipster 3.x 不再有效,但可以让您了解上述模块执行的步骤。

于 2016-05-28T10:03:32.890 回答

我遇到了同样的问题,并通过将_variable.scssin\node_modules\bootstrap\scss\_variables.scss的内容替换为bootswatch 为 bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha_variable.scss提供的内容来解决它

于 2017-09-25T12:16:01.783 回答