
We are developing one tool which will monitor Office365 services.

In between as per requirement, I have to check time required to upload and download document file to particular SharePoint site. I have tried by using java, but I was not able to do this.

Please suggest me which technology would be better for me to do this and suggest me solutions if any.

Thanks in Advance.


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OneDrive API 是 Microsoft Graph 服务套件的一部分,记录在此处http://graph.microsoft.io/en-us/

如果您的平台具有更大的灵活性,OneDrive 有可用于 C# 的 SDK,这可能更符合您的需求。还有一个 Android SDK 可以作为您自己的 java 库的起点。

OneDrive 有一个特定的文档站点,用于针对其服务编写 REST 客户端,这可用于编写 Java 库。

于 2016-05-26T16:33:08.007 回答