我的代码遇到了一个相当奇怪的问题,其中我有一个在 main 中初始化的值。一旦我尝试在中断中调用该变量,它就是 0。我在这里缺少什么?不同的变量是否存在于中断中?
Supervisor supervisor;
XScuTimer TimerInstance;
XScuGic IntcInstance;
uint32_t offset;
void interruptRoutine(void *CallBackRef) {
// Define pointer to timer
XScuTimer *TimerInstancePtr = (XScuTimer *) CallBackRef;
// If timer is expired, clear interrupt status
if (XScuTimer_IsExpired(TimerInstancePtr)) {
// Why is offset 0 within the interrupt routine?
xil_printf("Interrupt: %u\n", offset);
//.. I omitted the interrupt init method ..//
int main() {
while (true) {
// Get all sensor data
offset = 1;