基本上,我得到的文件将前三列粘贴到后面跟着一列空白行,因为看起来没有任何内容被附加到第 4 列
#!/bin/sh # the first file in the expression of a bunch of patients to be made into data files that can be put into the graph
awk '{print "hs"$1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3}' $1 > temp1.txt #important columns saved
numLines=`wc -l $1`
touch column4.txt #creates a column for the average of column 6-
for ((s=0;s<$numlines;s++)); do
currentRow=0 #Will eventually be the average of column 6- for the row of focus
for ((i=6;i<=106;i++)); do
addition=`cut -f $i $1 | head -n $s | tail -n 1` # cuts out the number at the row and column of focus for this loop
currentRow=`expr $currentRow + $addition` # adding the newly extracted number to the total
currentRow=`expr $currentRow / 101` #divides so the number is an average instead of a really big number
echo $currentRow >> column4.txt #appends this current row into a text file that can be pasted onto the first three columns
paste temp1.txt column4.txt
rm temp1.txt column4.txt
如果它有助于输入文件非常大(大约 106 列和数万行),但这是一个看起来像的示例
Important identifier line grant regis 76 83 02 38 0 38 29 38 48 (..up to to 106 columns)
another important identifier bill susan 98 389 20 29 38 20 94 29 0 (.. same point)
Important identifier line 34.88
another important identifier 79.67