我正在使用 LoadFromCacheOrDownload 函数,我只是不确定如何从统一内部下载资产包,然后为设备中的本地加载资产包。谢谢!这是我目前正在使用的代码:

using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;

public class LoadScenes : MonoBehaviour
public string sceneAssetBundle;
public string sceneName;
public string sName;
public string bName;
public string BundleURL;
public int version;
public int downloaded = 0;

IEnumerator Start() {
    if (downloaded == 0){
        using (WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (BundleURL, version)) {
            yield return www;
            if (www.error != null)
                throw new Exception ("WWW download had an error:" + www.error);
            if (www.error == null) {
                AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
            if (Caching.ready == true) {
                downloaded = 1;
                yield return InitializeLevelAsync (sceneName, true);


public void getScene(string sName){
    sceneName = sName;


public void getBundle(string bName){
    sceneAssetBundle = bName;


public IEnumerator InitializeLevelAsync (string levelName, bool isAdditive)
    // This is simply to get the elapsed time for this phase of AssetLoading.
    float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

    // Load level from assetBundle.
    AssetBundleLoadOperation request = AssetBundleManager.LoadLevelAsync(sceneAssetBundle, levelName, isAdditive);
    if (request == null)
        yield break;
    yield return StartCoroutine(request);

    // Calculate and display the elapsed time.
    float elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime;
    Debug.Log("Finished loading scene " + levelName + " in " + elapsedTime + " seconds" );

2 回答 2



if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("AssetLoaded", 0) == 0)
    //Save that we have down loaded Asset 
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AssetLoaded", 1);
    Debug.Log("Asset has NOT been downloaded. Downloading....");

    Debug.Log("Asset already loaded. Can't download it again!");


IEnumerator Start() {
    if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("AssetLoaded", 0) == 0){
        Debug.Log("Asset has NOT been downloaded. Downloading....");
        using (WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (BundleURL, version)) {
            yield return www;
            if (www.error != null)
                throw new Exception ("WWW download had an error:" + www.error);
            if (www.error == null) {
                AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
            if (Caching.ready == true) {
                downloaded = 1;
                //Save that we have down loaded Asset 
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AssetLoaded", 1);
                yield return InitializeLevelAsync (sceneName, true);

             Debug.Log("Asset already loaded. Can't download it again! Loading it instead");
             yield return InitializeLevelAsync (sceneName, true);


于 2016-05-16T19:31:35.950 回答

我认为您不想使用 LoadFromCacheOrDownload 函数,因为显然它将您想要下载的任何内容保存在缓存中,这是您不想要的,因为该内存只能通过代码加载但不能删除。

对我来说最好的解决方案是使用 WebClient。


  1. 您必须导入 C# System.Net 库(使用 System.Net;)
  2. 由于下载文件不是立即的,因此您必须使用协程,这将允许您等到文件下载完成。

  3. 如何在代码中下载 AssetBundle 或任何文件

    using System.Collections;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    using System.Net; //Most important Library
    public class DownloadClass: MonoBehaviour
            //Your URL path
            string url = "https://yourUrl.com/fileName.extension";
            //Create a WebRequest instance
            Uri uri = new Uri(url);
            //Create a Client instance to download the WebRequest
            WebClient client = new WebClient();
            //Suscribe to the event ProgressChanged
            client.DownloadProgressChanged += Client_DownloadProgressChanged;
            //Create your coroutine to download your AssetBundle or any file (mp3, jpeg, etc)
            public IEnumerator DownLoadAsset()
                    //Start download and specify the save path
                    client.DownloadFileAsync(uri, Application.persistentDataPath + "/yourPath/fileName");
                    while(client.IsBusy)   // Wait until the file download is complete
                            yield return null;
                    //Now your file is completely downloaded and saved
            //Create your ProgressChanged "Listener"
            private void Client_DownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                    //Show download progress
                    Debug.Log("Download Progress: " + e.ProgressPercentage);
  4. 如何在代码中加载 AssetBundle 或任何文件

    using System.Collections;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    public class LoadClass : MonoBehaviour
            //Variable to hold the asset bundle
            private AssetBundle bundle;
            public void LoadAsset()
                    //Check to load the bundle only once
                    if (bundle != null)
                    //Load an AssetBundle in a specific path
                    bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Application.persistentDataPath + "/yourPath/fileName");
                    //Your file is Now loaded, you can access to your data              
  5. 如何删除 AssetBundle 或代码中的任何文件

    using System.Collections;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    using System.IO;  //Most important Library
    public class DeleteClass : MonoBehaviour
            public void DeleteAsset()
                    //If the file exits, Delete the file
                    if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/yourPath/fileName"))
                            File.Delete(Application.persistentDataPath + "/yourPath/fileName");
                    //Your file was delete from memory


于 2020-03-26T01:01:12.113 回答